« DragonTravel » : différence entre les versions

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mAucun résumé des modifications
(12 versions intermédiaires par 2 utilisateurs non affichées)
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
{{Infobox Plugin| image = Dragontravel_logo.png| catégorie = Sauvegarde de coffre et inventaire| dev = Phiwa, XemsDoom| bukkit = dragontravel| grade = Maraud| status = installé|}}

{{Infobox Plugin| image = DragonPort_Edderkopp_pancarte.png| catégorie = Transport | dev = Phiwa, XemsDoom| bukkit = dragontravel| grade = Maraud| status = non-installé|}}
'''DragonTravel''' permet à nos marauds de rejoindre [[Nefald]] à dos de dragon! Bientôt, d'autres destinations seront ouvertes, grâce à ce fabuleux moyen de transport.

== Utilisation ==
== Utilisation ==
Ligne 8 : Ligne 13 :
* vous voilà à dos de dragon en partance pour de lointaines contrées! (ou non)
* vous voilà à dos de dragon en partance pour de lointaines contrées! (ou non)
[[Fichier:DragonPort Edderkopp 3.png|400px|thumb|Il vous suffit de vous placez sur la glowstone et de cliquer sur le panneau {{Gold|DragonTravel}}]]
[[Fichier:DragonPort Edderkopp 3.png|400px|thumb|Il vous suffit de vous placez sur la glowstone et de cliquer sur le panneau {{Gold|DragonTravel}}]]

== Galerie ==
== Galerie ==
Ligne 20 : Ligne 28 :

<!-- blblblbl
== Permissions & commandes ==
== Permissions & commandes ==
{| class="wikitable3"
{| class=wikitable2
| Accéder à l'aide de Deposite
|/dt setdest [destination]
|Définir une nouvelle destination.
|/dt remdest [destination]
|Supprimer une destination.
|/dt destlist
|Obtenir la liste de toutes les destinations existantes dans le monde courant.
|/dt setstat [station]
|Définir une nouvelle station
|/dt remstat [station]
|Supprimer une station.
|/dt statlist
|Obtenir la liste de toutes les stations existantes dans le monde courant.
|/dt travel [destination]
|S'envoler vers la destination indiquée.
|/dt ctravel [x,y,z]
|S'envoler vers les coordonnées indiquées.
|/dt ptravel [pseudonyme]
|S'envoler vers le joueur indiqué.
|/dt sethome
|Définir le home player à l'endroit où vous vous tenez.
|/dt home
|Lancer un voyage en direction du home player.
|{{cc|jaune|'''Plan de vol'''}}
|/dt createflight [nom de vol]
|Créer un nouveau plan de vol avec le nom indiqué. Le mode '''édition de vol''' sera activé.
|/dt setwp
|Définir un nouveau waypoint pour le vol. Au lieu d'exécuter la commande vous pouvez aussi utiliser l'outil ''aka'' une boule de neige.
|/dt remlastwp
|Supprimer le waypoint que vous venez de créer.
|/dt saveflight
|Sauvegarder le plan de vol et les waypoints dans la base de données. Le mode '''édition de vol''' sera désactivé.
|/dt remflight [nom de vol]
|Supprimer le plan de vol indiqué.
|/dt flight [nom de vol]
|Débuter le plan de vol indiqué.
|/dt flightlist
|Obtenir la liste de toutes les plans de vol.
|/dt ptoggle
|Permettre à d'autres joueurs de s'envoler ou non vers vous.
|/dt statdragon
|Créer une station de dragons.
|/dt remdragons
|Supprimer tous les dragons à proximité qui ne seraient pas montés par un joueur.
|/dt mount
|Monter sur un dragon.
|/dt stopmusic
|Arrêter la musique qui est diffusée via Spout. Utile si la musique ne s'arrête pas.
|/dt dismount
|Descendre de votre dragon en plein vol.
|/dt help [1/2]
|Aide sur toutes les commandes de '''DragonTravel'''.
|dt.travel (help 1) / dt.waypoint (help 2)
|Les utilisateurs de spout nécessitent cette permission pour utiliser l'interface.
|Les utilisateurs nécessitent cette permission pour être exempté de payer les voyages.
|Les utilisateurs nécessitent cette permission pour être exempté d'avoir dans leur inventaire un item spécial pour s'envoler. (Si l'option ''RequireItemForTravel'' est défini sur ''true'' dans la configuration. )

Permission for all commands
== Configuration ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="yaml">
# Copyright 2011-2013 - XemsDoom/Phiwa DragonTravel Licence GPLv3
# - Do NOT use tabs in this config file.
# - Read the comments carefully when altering values.
# - Have fun.
# Do not touch this option at all(!), it's a check if you are running the latest configuration version
ConfigVersion: 1.7
# -----------------------------
# ------->Economy Stuff<-------
# -----------------------------
# Make players pay for travels
UsePayment: false
# Possible settings 'Economy' or 'Items'
# You must have >Vault< installed to use 'Economy'!
System: 'Items'
# ID of the item you want your players to pay with for travels.
PaymentItem: 1
# This cost is withdrawn when a player executes a command.
# If a player uses a sign, the cost on the sign will be withdrawn.
# Choose the amount of money/items a normal travel costs.
    Economy: 5.0
    Item: 5
# Choose the amount of money/items a flight costs
    Economy: 5.0
    Item: 5
# Choose the amount of money/items a coordinates-travel costs
    Economy: 10.0
    Item: 10
# Choose the amount of money/items a home-travel costs
    Economy: 0.0
    Item: 0
# Choose the amount of money/items a home-set costs
    Economy: 0.0
    Item: 0
# Choose the amount of money/items a player-travel costs
    Economy: 7.0
    Item: 7
# -----------------------------
# ------->Miscellaneous<-------
# -----------------------------
# Choose how high the dragon flys during a travel(not flight)
# The number represents blocks
# Numbers over sky-height are allowed
TravelHeight: 100
# Does a player need to have a special item in hand to use DragonTravel?
RequireItemForTravel: false
# Choose the item a player needs to have in his hands to use DragonTravel.
# Default: 122 (Dragon-Egg which can be obtained by killing the Enderdragon)
# If enabled, players can only mount and travel from stations
UseStation: false
# Should DragonTravel create a marker when a station/destination is created?
UseStatDestMarker: true
# Set the radius of a station
# The number represents blocks
DistancetoStation: 5.0
# Set to true if you want players only be able
# to use signs for destination-travelling
# This option disables the command /dt travel
UseOnlySigns: false
# If set to true, DragonTravel will try to ignore
# protections on areas which try to prevent it from
# spawning a dragon (e.g. WorldGuard- or Factions-regions).
IgnoreAntiMobspawnAreas: true
# Choose which dragon-entites can't destroy blocks
AntiGriefallDragons: false
AntiGriefDragonTravelDragons: true
# Set the dragon's flying-speed
# The number represents the blocks in 1 server tick, 20 ticks = 1 second
# Do not set it above 1.0 or your server will lag like hell and/or crash!
DragonSpeed: 0.5
# Choose the commands which can't be executed while being on a dragon
# Make sure to list all commands which could teleport a player away from the dragon!
# You must only define the first word with the "/", in this list!
- /spawn
- /f
- /kill
- /home
- /tp
# The Random Destination
# When travelling to a destination with this name (Default: _random_) will start a travel
# to a random destination within the borders you can set below.
RandomDest-Name: '_random_'
    MinX: -100
    MaxX: 100
    MinZ: -100
    MaxZ: 100

Permission "dt.*" gives a user access to all commands.

dt.user -> Basic permissions
# -----------------------------
    Contains the following permission-nodes:
# ----->SPOUT FEATURES<------
    stopmusic dt.stopmusic
# -----------------------------
    dismount dt.dismount
    deslist dt.destlist
    statlist dt.statlist
    travel dt.travel
    using travel signs dt.travelsigns.use
    sethome dt.home.set
    home dt.home
    ptoggle dt.ptoggle
    flight dt.flight
    using flight signs dt.flightsigns.use
    flightlist dt.flightlist
dt.userplus -> Basic permissions & some more features
    all dt.user permissions
    ctravel dt.ctravel
    ptravel dt.ptravel
    mount dt.mount
dt.mod.travel -> Advanced permissions to create/remove destination/stations
    all dt.userplus permissions plus the following ones:
    setdest (dt.setdest)
    setstat (dt.setstat)
    creating/remving dest signs (dt.travelsigns)
    remdest (dt.remdest)
    remstat (dt.remstat)
dt.mod.flight -> Advanced permissions to create/remove flights
    all dt.mod.travel permissions plus the following ones:
    saveflight (dt.saveflight)
    createflight (dt.createflight)
    creating flight signs (dt.flightsigns)
    remflight (dt.remflight)
    setwp (dt.setwp)
    remlastwp (dt.remwp)
dt.* / '*' / op -> All permissions of DragonTravel :
    Not included in any of the above permission-groups, but in the wildcard:
    nocost flight (dt.nocost)
    spout gui, default key "L" (dt.gui)
    create stationary dragon (dt.statdragon)
    remove ghosts (dt.remdragons)
    bypass the "RequiredItem"-check (dt.notrequireitem)
Single Permissions

# Music to play when somebody starts a travel
    /dt setdest [destination-name]: Sets a new destination
# Enter the URL which goes DIRECTLY to the file
    permission: "dt.waypoint"
# Use ogg/wav/mp3 files for playing, otherwhise you get errors!
# The default track is made by me(Xems) and can be used for whatever you like
MusicURL: 'http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37237580/DragonTravelDemo.ogg'
MessageOnPlay: true

    /dt remdest [destination-name]: Removes a destination
#Key for opening the GUI, please notice that this is only available for SpoutCraft users!
    permission: "dt.waypoint"
#A key is for example: "KEY_O" or "KEY_U"
GUIopenKey: 'KEY_L'

     /dt destlist: Gives you a list of all destinations in your current world.
     permission: "dt.travel"
     /dt setstat [station-name]: Sets a new station
#Legit old Dragon:
     permission: "dt.setstat"
#                                            (
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    /dt remstat [station-name]: Removes a station
== messages.yml ==
    permission: "dt.remstat"
;Traduction en cours
<syntaxhighlight lang="yaml">
# Copyright 2012 - XemsDoom/Phiwa DragonTravel Licence GPLv3
# This plugin is open-source, if any code of our work
# is used in your plugin, you must make it open-source

    /dt statlist: Gives you a list of all stations in your current world.
# Do not touch this option at all(!), it's a check if you are running the recent configuration version
    permission: "dt.statlist"
MessagesVersion: 0.7
    /dt travel [destiantion-name]: brings you to the given destination
    permission: "dt.travel"

    /dt ctravel [x,y,z]: brings you to the given coordinates
NoPermission: '&cYou dont have the permission to do that!'
    permission: "dt.ctravel"
SignRemovedSuccessfully: '&aYou successfully removed the destination-sign'
NotAllowedWhileMounted: '&cYou arent allowed to do this while being mounted!'
NotAtAStation: '&cYou are not at a station!'

    /dt ptravel [playername]: brings you to the given player
RemoveDragons1: '&cSuccessfully removed'
    permission: "dt.ptravel"
RemoveDragons2: '&cdragons'
    /dt sethome: Sets the player's home-point to his current location.
    permission: "dt.home.set"

    /dt home: Starts a travel to the player's home-point.
# Stationary Dragons
    permission: "dt.home"
CreatedStationaryDragon: '&cCreated stationary dragon'
RemovedStationaryDragon: '&cRemoved stationary dragon'
    /dt createflight [flight-name]: Creates a new flight with the given name and switches you into the flight-edit-mode.
    permission: "dt.createflight"

    /dt setwp: Sets the next waypoint for the flight's path. Same can be achieved by right-clicking a block with a bowl in your hand.
# Mounting
    permission: "dt.setwp"
MountSuccessful: '&aYou successfully mounted your dragon!'
AlreadyMounted: '&cYou are already mounted!'

    /dt remlastwp: Removes the waypoint you just set.
# Dismounting
    permission: "dt.remwp"
DismountNotMounted: '&cYou arent mounted!'
DismountSuccessful: '&aYou successfully dismounted from your dragon.'

    /dt saveflight: Saves the flight and its flight-path to the database and switches you out of the flight-edit-mode.
# Economy
    permission: "dt.saveflight"
WithdrawMessage: '&cSay bye to %amount%'
NotEnoughMoney: '&cYou dont have enough money!'

    /dt remflight [flight-name]: Removes the flight with the given name.
# Help-Menu
    permission: "dt.remflight"
Help: 'Type &a/dt help <1/2>&f for a list of commands.'
HelpNoPermission: '&aYou dont have the permission for seeing this help list!'
HelpDTmount: '&a/dt mount&f mounts you onto the dragon.'
HelpDTdismount: '&a/dt dismount&f dismounts you from the dragon.'
HelpDTsethome: '&a/dt sethome&f creates your new travel-home.'
HelpDThome: '&a/dt home&f lets you travel to your travel-home.'
HelpDTstopmusic: '&a/dt stopmusic&f stops the music during the travel.'
HelpFlight: '&a/dt flight <name>&f starts the specific flight.'
HelpCreateFlight: '&a/dt createflight <name>&f creates a new flight.'
HelpRemFlight: '&a/dt remflight <name>&f removes the passed flight.'
HelpSetWP: '&a/dt setwp&f sets a wp at your location.'
HelpRemWP: '&a/dt remlastwp&f removes the last set waypoint.'
HelpTogglePTravel: '&a/dt ptoggle&f allows/disallows ptravel to yourself.'
HelpDTtravel: '&a/dt travel <destination>&f brings you to the given destination.'
HelpDTctravel: '&a/dt ctravel <x> <y> <z>&f brings you to the given coordinates.'
HelpDTptravel: '&a/dt ptravel <playername>&f lets you travel to the given player.'
HelpFlightList: '&a/dt flightlist&f shows you a list with all available flights.'
HelpDTdestlist: '&a/dt destlist&f shows you a list of all destinations.'
HelpDTstatlist: '&a/dt statlist&f shows you a list of all stations.'
HelpDTsetdest: '&a/dt setdest <name>&f sets a destination with the given name.'
HelpDTsetstat: '&a/dt setstat <name>&f sets a station with the given name.'
HelpDTremdest: '&a/dt remdest <name>&f removes the destination with this name.'
HelpDTremstat: '&a/dt remstat <name>&f removes the station with this name.'
HelpDTstatdragon: '&a/dt statdragon&f creates a stationary dragon at your location'
HelpDTremdragons: '&a/dt remdragons&f removes all dragons.'

    /dt flight [flight-name]: Starts a flight along the given flights' path.
# Flights
    permission: "dt.flight"
MarkersBreak: '&aYou can only remove markers with /dt remlastwp.'
AlreadyInEditMode: '&cYou are already in edit-mode.'
AvailableFlights: '&aAvailable flights:'
NoFlightsYet: '&cThere are no flights yet.'
StartingFlight: '&aStarting flight.'
SavedFlight: '&aSaved flight successfully.'
RemovedFlight: '&aRemoved flight succesfully.'
FlightAlreadyExists: '&cThis flight already exists, remove it first.'
FlightSignCreated: '&aFlight sign created.'
FlightDoesNotExist: '&cThat flight does not exist!'
YouAreNowInEditMode: '&aYou are now in waypoint edit-mode.'
HelpToMakeWP: '&aRight click with a bowl or /dt setwp to set waypoints.'
HelpToMakeWP2: '&aYou can remove the last set waypoint with /dt remlastwp.'
ExecuteSaveWhenDone: '&aExecute /dt saveflight when you are done.'
YouAreNotInEditMode: '&cYou are not in edit-mode.'
SetWP: '&cCreated waypoint:'
AtleastCreateOneWP: '&cYou must atleast create one waypoint!'
RemovedLastWP: '&aRemoved last waypoint.'

    /dt flightlist: Gives you a list of all available flights.
# Travel to Homes
    permission: "dt.flightlist"
TravelHomeCreated: '&aYour home has been set successfully.'
TravelHomeNotAvailable: '&aYou did not set a home yet.'
    /dt ptoggle: Toggles whether you allow other players to travel to you using the command "/dt ptravel"
TravelHomeInDifferentWorld: '&aYour home is in a different world.'
    permission: "dt.ptoggle"
TravelHomeTravelling: '&aTravelling to your home.'

    /dt statdragon: Creates a stationary dragon
# Travel to Player
    permission: "dt.statdragon"
PlayerNotOnline: '&cThis player is not online!'
PlayerDifferentWorld: '&cis in a different world!'
PlayerTravelTo: '&aTravelling to&6'
PlayerToggleOff: '&aTurned ptravel to you off.'
PlayerToggleOn: '&aTurned ptravel to you on.'
PlayerHasPTravelTurnedOff: '&cThe target-player disallows player-travels.'

    /dt remdragons: Removes all nearby dragons which do not have players mounted
# Travel to Coordinates
    permission: "dt.remdragons"
CoordinatesTravelTo: '&aTravelling to coordinates&6'

    /dt mount: Mounts yourself onto a dragon
# Signs
    permission: "dt.mount"
SignCreatingCreated: '&aSuccessfully created the sign.'
SignCreatingSaved: '&aSaved created destination-sign.'

    /dt stopmusic: Stops the music which is played via Spout while a player is travelling. Only needed if the sound does not stop because of any reason. permission: "dt.stopmusic"
# Stations
StationCreatingAlreadyExists: '&cThere already is a station with that name!'
StationCreatingSuccessful: '&aSuccessfully created station&6'
StationCreatingNameTooLong: '&cThe stations name is too long!'
StationRemovingDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no station with that name!'
StationRemovingSuccessful: '&cSuccessfully removed station&6'
StationTravelDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no station with that name!'
StationShowList: '&aAvailable stations in your current world:&f'

    /dt dismount: Dismounts your dragon mid-flight.
# Destinations
    permission: "dt.dismount"
DestinationCreatingAlreadyExists: '&cThere already is a destination with that name!'
DestinationCreatingSuccessful: '&aSuccessfully created destination&6'
DestinationCreatingNameTooLong: '&cThe destinations name is too long!'
DestinationRemovingDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no destination with that name!'
DestinationRemovingSuccessful: '&c Successfully removed destination&6'
DestinationTravelDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no destination with that name!'
DestinationTravelDifferentWorld: '&cThe destination is in a different world!'
DestinationTravelTo: '&aTravelling to&6'
DestinationTravelRandom: '&aTravelling to a random destination.'
DestinationShowList: '&aAvailable destinations in your current world:&f'

    /dt help [1/2]: Gives the player a list of all commands available to him.
# Errors
    permission: "dt.travel" for help 1 and "dt.waypoint" for help 2
ErrorInvalidName: '&cEnter a valid name!'
ErrorEnterName: '&cEnter a destination/station name!'
[[Catégorie:Plugin installé]]
ErrorEnterCoords: '&cEnter coordinates to travel to!'
ErrorEnterPlayername: '&cEnter a playername!'
ErrorNumbersAsCoords: '&cUse numbers as coordinates!'
ErrorCommandDisabled1: '&cThis command is disabled!'
ErrorCommandDisabled2: '&cUse signs to travel to destinations!'
ErrorNoDestinationsAvailable: '&cThere are no destinations available!'
ErrorNoStationsAvailable: '&cThere are no stations available!'
ErrorDestinationNotAvailable: '&cThere is no destination with that name!'
ErrorEconomyNotActivated1: '&cEconomy is not activated, please leave the'
ErrorEconomyNotActivated2: '&cfourth line empty!'
ErrorFourthLineMissing: '&cYou did not write a cost into the fourth line!'
ErrorFourthLineInvalid: '&cThe fourth line has to contain a number as a cost!'
ErrorInvalidMusic: '&cError: Music file for travel is invalid'
ErrorRequiredItemMissing: '&cYou do not have the item your inventory you need to ride a dragon.'
[[Catégorie:Plugin utilisant Vault]]

Dernière version du 10 février 2016 à 10:02

Catégorie Transport [edit]
Développeur(s) Phiwa, XemsDoom
Bukkit dragontravel
Status non-installé [edit]
Grade requis Maraud
Dernière révision 10/02/2016

DragonTravel permet à nos marauds de rejoindre Nefald à dos de dragon! Bientôt, d'autres destinations seront ouvertes, grâce à ce fabuleux moyen de transport.


Son utilisation reste simple et ne nécessite pas de manipulation particulière
  • face à un dragonport, placez vous sur la glowstone qui au sol
  • frappez, les mains vides, le panneau indiquant dragontravel
  • vous voilà à dos de dragon en partance pour de lointaines contrées! (ou non)
Il vous suffit de vous placez sur la glowstone et de cliquer sur le panneau DragonTravel



Dragonport de Nefald.

Permissions & commandes

Type commandes description permissions
/dt setdest [destination] Définir une nouvelle destination. dt.waypoint
/dt remdest [destination] Supprimer une destination. dt.waypoint
/dt destlist Obtenir la liste de toutes les destinations existantes dans le monde courant. dt.travel
/dt setstat [station] Définir une nouvelle station dt.setstat
/dt remstat [station] Supprimer une station. dt.remstat
/dt statlist Obtenir la liste de toutes les stations existantes dans le monde courant. dt.statlist
/dt travel [destination] S'envoler vers la destination indiquée. dt.travel
/dt ctravel [x,y,z] S'envoler vers les coordonnées indiquées. dt.ctravel
/dt ptravel [pseudonyme] S'envoler vers le joueur indiqué. dt.ptravel
/dt sethome Définir le home player à l'endroit où vous vous tenez. dt.home.set
/dt home Lancer un voyage en direction du home player. dt.home
Plan de vol
/dt createflight [nom de vol] Créer un nouveau plan de vol avec le nom indiqué. Le mode édition de vol sera activé. dt.createflight
/dt setwp Définir un nouveau waypoint pour le vol. Au lieu d'exécuter la commande vous pouvez aussi utiliser l'outil aka une boule de neige. dt.setwp
/dt remlastwp Supprimer le waypoint que vous venez de créer. dt.remwp
/dt saveflight Sauvegarder le plan de vol et les waypoints dans la base de données. Le mode édition de vol sera désactivé. dt.saveflight
/dt remflight [nom de vol] Supprimer le plan de vol indiqué. dt.remflight
/dt flight [nom de vol] Débuter le plan de vol indiqué. dt.flight
/dt flightlist Obtenir la liste de toutes les plans de vol. dt.flightlist
/dt ptoggle Permettre à d'autres joueurs de s'envoler ou non vers vous. dt.ptoggle
/dt statdragon Créer une station de dragons. dt.statdragon
/dt remdragons Supprimer tous les dragons à proximité qui ne seraient pas montés par un joueur. dt.remdragons
/dt mount Monter sur un dragon. dt.mount
/dt stopmusic Arrêter la musique qui est diffusée via Spout. Utile si la musique ne s'arrête pas. dt.stopmusic
/dt dismount Descendre de votre dragon en plein vol. dt.dismount
/dt help [1/2] Aide sur toutes les commandes de DragonTravel. dt.travel (help 1) / dt.waypoint (help 2)
GUI Les utilisateurs de spout nécessitent cette permission pour utiliser l'interface. dt.gui
No-Costs Les utilisateurs nécessitent cette permission pour être exempté de payer les voyages. dt.nocost
No-items Les utilisateurs nécessitent cette permission pour être exempté d'avoir dans leur inventaire un item spécial pour s'envoler. (Si l'option RequireItemForTravel est défini sur true dans la configuration. ) dt.notrequireitem



# Copyright 2011-2013 - XemsDoom/Phiwa DragonTravel Licence GPLv3
# - Do NOT use tabs in this config file.
# - Read the comments carefully when altering values.
# - Have fun.

# Do not touch this option at all(!), it's a check if you are running the latest configuration version
ConfigVersion: 1.7

# -----------------------------
# ------->Economy Stuff<-------
# -----------------------------

# Make players pay for travels
UsePayment: false

# Possible settings 'Economy' or 'Items'
# You must have >Vault< installed to use 'Economy'!
System: 'Items'

# ID of the item you want your players to pay with for travels.
PaymentItem: 1

# This cost is withdrawn when a player executes a command.
# If a player uses a sign, the cost on the sign will be withdrawn.
# Choose the amount of money/items a normal travel costs.
    Economy: 5.0
    Item: 5

# Choose the amount of money/items a flight costs
    Economy: 5.0
    Item: 5

# Choose the amount of money/items a coordinates-travel costs
    Economy: 10.0
    Item: 10

# Choose the amount of money/items a home-travel costs
    Economy: 0.0
    Item: 0

# Choose the amount of money/items a home-set costs
    Economy: 0.0
    Item: 0

# Choose the amount of money/items a player-travel costs
    Economy: 7.0
    Item: 7

# -----------------------------
# ------->Miscellaneous<-------
# -----------------------------

# Choose how high the dragon flys during a travel(not flight)
# The number represents blocks
# Numbers over sky-height are allowed
TravelHeight: 100

# Does a player need to have a special item in hand to use DragonTravel?
RequireItemForTravel: false
# Choose the item a player needs to have in his hands to use DragonTravel.
# Default: 122 (Dragon-Egg which can be obtained by killing the Enderdragon)

# If enabled, players can only mount and travel from stations
UseStation: false

# Should DragonTravel create a marker when a station/destination is created?
UseStatDestMarker: true

# Set the radius of a station
# The number represents blocks
DistancetoStation: 5.0

# Set to true if you want players only be able
# to use signs for destination-travelling
# This option disables the command /dt travel
UseOnlySigns: false

# If set to true, DragonTravel will try to ignore
# protections on areas which try to prevent it from
# spawning a dragon (e.g. WorldGuard- or Factions-regions).
IgnoreAntiMobspawnAreas: true

# Choose which dragon-entites can't destroy blocks
AntiGriefallDragons: false
AntiGriefDragonTravelDragons: true

# Set the dragon's flying-speed
# The number represents the blocks in 1 server tick, 20 ticks = 1 second
# Do not set it above 1.0 or your server will lag like hell and/or crash!
DragonSpeed: 0.5

# Choose the commands which can't be executed while being on a dragon
# Make sure to list all commands which could teleport a player away from the dragon!
# You must only define the first word with the "/", in this list!
- /spawn
- /f
- /kill
- /home
- /tp

# The Random Destination
# When travelling to a destination with this name (Default: _random_) will start a travel
# to a random destination within the borders you can set below.
RandomDest-Name: '_random_'
    MinX: -100
    MaxX: 100
    MinZ: -100
    MaxZ: 100

# -----------------------------
# ----->SPOUT FEATURES<------
# -----------------------------

# Music to play when somebody starts a travel
# Enter the URL which goes DIRECTLY to the file
# Use ogg/wav/mp3 files for playing, otherwhise you get errors!
# The default track is made by me(Xems) and can be used for whatever you like
MusicURL: 'http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37237580/DragonTravelDemo.ogg'
MessageOnPlay: true

#Key for opening the GUI, please notice that this is only available for SpoutCraft users!
#A key is for example: "KEY_O" or "KEY_U"
GUIopenKey: 'KEY_L'

#Legit old Dragon:
#                                            (
#                                              )
#                                            (      )
#                                             ) )  ( (
#  __..--...___                                (    \ )
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#                 '    ,'  ,    ---._ `-..-'   \_.  (
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#    ,          |'    |.   `\. /     |   ___  ' >  /
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#   |    |      |: -  \::. .-'             `-. `.  /
#   |    /\     ::.    '\:'                   `\_\/
#   |    |:.    `::...-'--
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#   :     \:;;.._,.8a.
#   ::      `8Pa88888888888aa.
#_  ::: _..a8888888888888888888a.
#      ""Y8888888888888P""'   `"88888888888888a.
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#                                     `8888888888
#                                       `8888888'



Traduction en cours


# Copyright 2012 - XemsDoom/Phiwa DragonTravel Licence GPLv3
# This plugin is open-source, if any code of our work
# is used in your plugin, you must make it open-source

# Do not touch this option at all(!), it's a check if you are running the recent configuration version
MessagesVersion: 0.7

NoPermission: '&cYou dont have the permission to do that!'
SignRemovedSuccessfully: '&aYou successfully removed the destination-sign'
NotAllowedWhileMounted: '&cYou arent allowed to do this while being mounted!'
NotAtAStation: '&cYou are not at a station!'

RemoveDragons1: '&cSuccessfully removed'
RemoveDragons2: '&cdragons'

# Stationary Dragons
CreatedStationaryDragon: '&cCreated stationary dragon'
RemovedStationaryDragon: '&cRemoved stationary dragon'

# Mounting
MountSuccessful: '&aYou successfully mounted your dragon!'
AlreadyMounted: '&cYou are already mounted!'

# Dismounting
DismountNotMounted: '&cYou arent mounted!'
DismountSuccessful: '&aYou successfully dismounted from your dragon.'

# Economy
WithdrawMessage: '&cSay bye to %amount%'
NotEnoughMoney: '&cYou dont have enough money!'

# Help-Menu
Help: 'Type &a/dt help <1/2>&f for a list of commands.'
HelpNoPermission: '&aYou dont have the permission for seeing this help list!'
HelpDTmount: '&a/dt mount&f mounts you onto the dragon.'
HelpDTdismount: '&a/dt dismount&f dismounts you from the dragon.'
HelpDTsethome: '&a/dt sethome&f creates your new travel-home.'
HelpDThome: '&a/dt home&f lets you travel to your travel-home.'
HelpDTstopmusic: '&a/dt stopmusic&f stops the music during the travel.'
HelpFlight: '&a/dt flight <name>&f starts the specific flight.'
HelpCreateFlight: '&a/dt createflight <name>&f creates a new flight.'
HelpRemFlight: '&a/dt remflight <name>&f removes the passed flight.'
HelpSetWP: '&a/dt setwp&f sets a wp at your location.'
HelpRemWP: '&a/dt remlastwp&f removes the last set waypoint.'
HelpTogglePTravel: '&a/dt ptoggle&f allows/disallows ptravel to yourself.'
HelpDTtravel: '&a/dt travel <destination>&f brings you to the given destination.'
HelpDTctravel: '&a/dt ctravel <x> <y> <z>&f brings you to the given coordinates.'
HelpDTptravel: '&a/dt ptravel <playername>&f lets you travel to the given player.'
HelpFlightList: '&a/dt flightlist&f shows you a list with all available flights.'
HelpDTdestlist: '&a/dt destlist&f shows you a list of all destinations.'
HelpDTstatlist: '&a/dt statlist&f shows you a list of all stations.'
HelpDTsetdest: '&a/dt setdest <name>&f sets a destination with the given name.'
HelpDTsetstat: '&a/dt setstat <name>&f sets a station with the given name.'
HelpDTremdest: '&a/dt remdest <name>&f removes the destination with this name.'
HelpDTremstat: '&a/dt remstat <name>&f removes the station with this name.'
HelpDTstatdragon: '&a/dt statdragon&f creates a stationary dragon at your location'
HelpDTremdragons: '&a/dt remdragons&f removes all dragons.'

# Flights
MarkersBreak: '&aYou can only remove markers with /dt remlastwp.'
AlreadyInEditMode: '&cYou are already in edit-mode.'
AvailableFlights: '&aAvailable flights:'
NoFlightsYet: '&cThere are no flights yet.'
StartingFlight: '&aStarting flight.'
SavedFlight: '&aSaved flight successfully.'
RemovedFlight: '&aRemoved flight succesfully.'
FlightAlreadyExists: '&cThis flight already exists, remove it first.'
FlightSignCreated: '&aFlight sign created.'
FlightDoesNotExist: '&cThat flight does not exist!'
YouAreNowInEditMode: '&aYou are now in waypoint edit-mode.'
HelpToMakeWP: '&aRight click with a bowl or /dt setwp to set waypoints.'
HelpToMakeWP2: '&aYou can remove the last set waypoint with /dt remlastwp.'
ExecuteSaveWhenDone: '&aExecute /dt saveflight when you are done.'
YouAreNotInEditMode: '&cYou are not in edit-mode.'
SetWP: '&cCreated waypoint:'
AtleastCreateOneWP: '&cYou must atleast create one waypoint!'
RemovedLastWP: '&aRemoved last waypoint.'

# Travel to Homes
TravelHomeCreated: '&aYour home has been set successfully.'
TravelHomeNotAvailable: '&aYou did not set a home yet.'
TravelHomeInDifferentWorld: '&aYour home is in a different world.'
TravelHomeTravelling: '&aTravelling to your home.'

# Travel to Player
PlayerNotOnline: '&cThis player is not online!'
PlayerDifferentWorld: '&cis in a different world!'
PlayerTravelTo: '&aTravelling to&6'
PlayerToggleOff: '&aTurned ptravel to you off.'
PlayerToggleOn: '&aTurned ptravel to you on.'
PlayerHasPTravelTurnedOff: '&cThe target-player disallows player-travels.'

# Travel to Coordinates
CoordinatesTravelTo: '&aTravelling to coordinates&6'

# Signs
SignCreatingCreated: '&aSuccessfully created the sign.'
SignCreatingSaved: '&aSaved created destination-sign.'

# Stations
StationCreatingAlreadyExists: '&cThere already is a station with that name!'
StationCreatingSuccessful: '&aSuccessfully created station&6'
StationCreatingNameTooLong: '&cThe stations name is too long!'
StationRemovingDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no station with that name!'
StationRemovingSuccessful: '&cSuccessfully removed station&6'
StationTravelDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no station with that name!'
StationShowList: '&aAvailable stations in your current world:&f'

# Destinations
DestinationCreatingAlreadyExists: '&cThere already is a destination with that name!'
DestinationCreatingSuccessful: '&aSuccessfully created destination&6'
DestinationCreatingNameTooLong: '&cThe destinations name is too long!'
DestinationRemovingDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no destination with that name!'
DestinationRemovingSuccessful: '&c Successfully removed destination&6'
DestinationTravelDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no destination with that name!'
DestinationTravelDifferentWorld: '&cThe destination is in a different world!'
DestinationTravelTo: '&aTravelling to&6'
DestinationTravelRandom: '&aTravelling to a random destination.'
DestinationShowList: '&aAvailable destinations in your current world:&f'

# Errors
ErrorInvalidName: '&cEnter a valid name!'
ErrorEnterName: '&cEnter a destination/station name!'
ErrorEnterCoords: '&cEnter coordinates to travel to!'
ErrorEnterPlayername: '&cEnter a playername!'
ErrorNumbersAsCoords: '&cUse numbers as coordinates!'
ErrorCommandDisabled1: '&cThis command is disabled!'
ErrorCommandDisabled2: '&cUse signs to travel to destinations!'
ErrorNoDestinationsAvailable: '&cThere are no destinations available!'
ErrorNoStationsAvailable: '&cThere are no stations available!'
ErrorDestinationNotAvailable: '&cThere is no destination with that name!'
ErrorEconomyNotActivated1: '&cEconomy is not activated, please leave the'
ErrorEconomyNotActivated2: '&cfourth line empty!'
ErrorFourthLineMissing: '&cYou did not write a cost into the fourth line!'
ErrorFourthLineInvalid: '&cThe fourth line has to contain a number as a cost!'
ErrorInvalidMusic: '&cError: Music file for travel is invalid'
ErrorRequiredItemMissing: '&cYou do not have the item your inventory you need to ride a dragon.'
