« Citizens2 » : différence entre les versions

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== Commandes & permissions ==
== Commandes & permissions ==
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!'''type de mob'''
| /npc
| ''Aucun''
* '''citizens.script.*'''
| Non
* citizens.script.compile
| Non
* citizens.script.help
| Non
| Aucun
| afficher les informations de bases
| /npc age
| ''[adult, baby, integer, -l]'' - spécifiez l'age avec l'argument integer -
l toggles whether the age is locked
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.age
| modifier l'age  d'un npc
| /npc anchor
| ''anchor (--save [name], --assume [name], --remove [name]) (-a)(-c)'' - enregistre la position actuelle comme un «point d'ancrage»
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.anchor
| cahnger/sauvegarder/lister les points d'ancrages des npcs
| /npc behaviour
| behaviour [scripts] (-r) -- séparer les scripts (par nom de fichier) d'une une virgule, -r supprime les scripts listés du npc sélectionné
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.behaviour
| ajouter ou supprimer le comportement d'un npc. Un comportement est un script exécuté par le npc à chaque tick. <br /><small>Vous pouvez à peu près tout faire en programmant un peu!</small>
| /npc controllable
| Aucun
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.controllable.[npc type name]
| Activer le contrôle d'un PNJ (contrôlable <font style="color:red;">*</font>). Monter-le d'un clic droit. Clic gauche permet de mettre en pause. <br/><small><font style="color:red;">*</font> WASD. Ghasts, Blazes et Enderdragons</small>
| /npc copy
| ''(--name NewName)'' --nouveau nom à attribuer au npc copié
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.copy
| créer un npc en dupliquant les spécifités du npc actuellement sélectionné (''traits'')
|/npc age
| /npc create
| ''[NPC Name]'' - Name to give NPC <br>''(--type [type])'' - [[Types|Mob type]] to use <br>''--trait [trait1] [trait2] ... - A list of traits to apply to the NPC
* citizens.npc.age
| Non
* citizens.npc.position.assume
| Non
| Non
* citizens.npc.create.mobtype
* citizens.npc.create.
| créer un nouvel npc
'''Exemple''' : <code> /npc create Jimbo Stevenson --type PIG </code>
|/npc behaviour
| /npc despawn
| ''(id)'' the ID of the NPC to despawn
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.despawn
| Despawn a NPC
|/npc create
| /npc gamemode
|citizens.npc.create.[mobtype or *]
| ''[gamemode] the gamemode to use ''
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.gamemode
| Sets a Player NPC's game mode.
|/npc controllable
| /npc gravity
| ''Aucun''
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.gravity
| Toggles gravity on the NPC.
|/npc copy
| /npc equip
| ''Aucun''
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.edit.equip
| Toggle equipment editor. see [[Editors#Equipment_Editor|Equipment Editor]] Used for player armor, player and endermen items, sheep color/sheared, and pig saddles.
|/npc despawn
| /npc list
| ''(-a)'' - List all NPCs <br>''(--owner (owner))'' - Owner <br>''(--type (type))'' - Mob type <br>''(--char (character))'' - Character
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.list
| List NPCs that match at least one of the given conditions
| /npc lookclose
| ''Aucun''  
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.lookclose
| Toggle a NPC's look-close state
|/npc equip
| /npc moveto
| ''--x [x] --y [y] --z [z] --world [world]''
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.moveto
| The NPC's current location is taken as the base location. Value arguments are used to modify this base.
|/npc path
| /npc mount|| ''Aucun''
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.mount|| Mount the currently selected NPC, if it is controllable.
|/npc help
| /npc owner
| ''(name)'' - Name of the new owner, set as "server" if you want Citizens Admins (players with "citizens.admin" permission) to be owner
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.owner
| Sets the owner of a NPC
| /npc path
| ''Aucun''
|Limit this player to creating # number of NPCs (works with 1-100)
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.edit.path
| Toggle [[Waypoints|path]] editor. Left click to add a waypoint, right click to remove, mousewheel or number keys to select individual waypoints.
|/npc list
| /npc pathrange
| ''[range]'' - New range for the NPC
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.pathfindingrange
| Set the range in number of blocks in which the NPC can find a path.
|/npc lookclose
| /npc playerlist
| ''Aucun''
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.playerlist
| Toggles an NPC as a 'real' player, so that it will be more recognised by other plugins, will keep chunks loaded and crops ticking.
|/npc moveto
| /npc pose
| ''(-a)'' - Sets the position of the NPC's head to the current position of the Player's head. Useful for setting where NPCs are specifically looking post-creation.<br><Nonwiki> ''(--save [name]|--load [name]|--remove [name)'' </Nonwiki>
| Non
| Non
| Non - PLAYER
| citizens.pose
| Changes/Stores NPC's head position based on the Player's current position.
|/npc owner
| /npc power
| ''Aucun''
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.power
| Toggle whether a creeper NPC is powered
|/npc path
| /npc profession
| Non
| Non
| Non - VILLAGER|| citizens.npc.profession
| Change a villager-type NPC's profession.
|/npc power
| /npc remove
| ''(all)'' - Will remove all NPCs
| Non (Nont if "all" is used)
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.remove, (citizens.admin.remove.all)
| Remove a NPC
|/npc profession
| /npc rename
| ''[name]'' - New name for the NPC
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.rename
| Rename a NPC
|/npc remove
| /npc select
| ''[id]'' - ID of the NPC to select
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.select
| Selects a NPC with the given ID
|/npc removeall
| /npc size
| ''[size]'' - the integer size for the slime
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.size
| Sets a slime's size.
|/npc rename
| /npc skeletontype
| ''[type]'' - 0 or NonRMAL for Nonrmal, 1 or WITHER for wither skeleton
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.skeletontype
| Changes a Skeleton NPC's type (currently between WITHER and NonRMAL)
|/npc select
| /npc spawn
| ''[id]'' - ID of the NPC you want to spawn
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.spawn
| Spawn a existing NPC
|/npc spawn
| /npc speed
| ''[value]'' - speed multiplier
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.speed
| changes the NPC's default speed multiplier. i.e. use 2 to double the Nonrmal speed.
|/npc speed
| /npc text
| ''Aucun''
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.edit.text
| Toggle text editor. '''Nonte that players need the citizens.npc.talk permission to hear NPCs!'''
|/npc Hear NPCs by click or walking near with talk-close
| /npc tphere
| ''Aucun''
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.tphere
| Teleport a NPC to your location
|/npc text
| /npc tp
| ''Aucun''
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.tp
| Teleport to a NPC
| /npc type
| ''[type]'' - the new entity type
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.type
| Changes an NPC's mob type.
| /npc vulnerable
| ''Aucun'' <br/>
* citizens.npc.trait
* citizens.npc.trait-configure
| Non
* citizens.npc.trait-configure.*
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.vulnerable
| Toggles whether the NPC can take damage and die, and whether monsters will target it when it is on the player list
|/npc tp
| /npc zombiemod
| ''(-b, -v)'' - -b for baby, -v for villager
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.zombiemodifier
| Sets a zombie NPC's modifiers.
|/npc tphere
| ''[trait1] [trait2] ... [traitN'' - A list of [[Characters|Traits]] to apply
| Non
| Non
| Non
| citizens.npc.trait.* or citizens.npc.trait.<trait-name> for per-trait permissions
| Adds the [[Characters|trait type]] to the NPC. NPCs can have multiple traits. <br/><br/>
'''Exemple''': <code> /npc trait sentry </code>

Version du 14 avril 2013 à 12:11

Catégorie npc [edit]
Développeur(s) aPunch, agentkid, aufdemrand, Neon_Master
Bukkit citizen
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis Architecte
Dernière révision 14/04/2013

Citizens2 est ce merveilleux plugin qui fait que nos rues soient toujours animées, grâce aux NPC. Le plus bel exemple étant sur Edderkopp.
Il fonctionne avec Sentry et Denizen.

Commandes & permissions

commande permission description
  • /citizens
  • /citizens reload
  • /citizens save
  • Permet de modifier tous les pnjs présents sur le serveur.
  • Accès aux informations de base de Citizens
  • Permet de recharger le plugin
  • Permet de sauvegarder tous les pnjs et la configuration
citizens.admin.avoid-limits Permet d'outrepasser la limite de pnjs
commande Argument permission description
/citizens help (Page) - Page number to display citizens.help Show Citizens help menu
/npc help (Page) - Page number to display citizens.npc.help Show NPC help menu
/trait help (Page) - Page number to display citizens.trait.help Show trait help menu
/script help (Page) - Page number to display citizens.script.help Show scripting help menu
/template help (Page) - Page number to display citizens.template.help Show template help menu
/waypoints help (Page) - Page number to display citizens.waypoints.help Show waypoints help menu

Voir aussi