« HeroChat » : différence entre les versions

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Hiob (discussion | contributions)
Page créée avec « == Permissions == {| class="wikitable2" !'''Permission''' !'''Description''' |- |herochat.create |autorise la création d'un channel |- |herochat.save |autorise à sauveg... »
Hiob (discussion | contributions)
Ligne 199 : Ligne 199 :
[[Catégorie:Plugin non-installé]]

Dernière version du 1 avril 2014 à 14:10


Permission Description
herochat.create autorise la création d'un channel
herochat.save autorise à sauvegarder les données d'un joueur/channel
herochat.reload autorise à relancer les données d'un joueur/channel
herochat.mod autorise a utilisé /ch mod
herochat.mute autorise a utilisé /ch mute
herochat.pm autorise a utilisé /msg
herochat.emote allows use of traditional emotes
herochat.emote.<channel> autorise a utilisé emote dans le channel spécifié
herochat.join.<channel> autorise a rejoindre le channel spécifié
herochat.leave.<channel> autorise a quitté dans le channel spécifié
herochat.speak.<channel> autorise a parlé dans le channel spécifié
herochat.kick.<channel> autorise a kicker dans le channel spécifié
herochat.ban.<channel> autorise a bannir dans le channel spécifié
herochat.mute.<channel> autorise a muter dans le channel spécifié
herochat.remove.<channel> autorise a supprimer le channel spécifié
herochat.color.<channel> allows &c style colors in chat
herochat.info.<channel> allows use of /ch info on a channel
herochat.autojoin.<channel> forces automatically joining a channel upon first login
herochat.focus.<channel> gives the ability for players to focus the channel
herochat.force.join.<channel> forces a player to join a channel on every login
herochat.force.leave.<channel> forces a player to leave a channel on every login
herochat.modify.nick.<channel> allows changing a channel's nick
herochat.modify.color.<channel> allows changing a channel's color
herochat.modify.distance.<channel> allows changing a channel's distance
herochat.modify.format.<channel> allows changing a channel's format
herochat.modify.shortcut.<chanenel> allows changing whether a channel allows quick messaging
herochat.modify.password.<channel> allows changing a channel's password
herochat.modify.verbose.<channel> allows changing whether a channel shows join/leave messages
herochat.admin.stealth allows being hidden from 'No one hears you' detection
herochat.admin.unignore allows the user to not be ignored
herochat.color.colortype.channel allows for bold/italics/etc (only in latest dev)




Tag Equivaut à
{default} the default format (found in config.yml)
{name} the channel's name
{nick} the channel's nick
{color} the channel's color
{msg} the message
{sender} the sender's display name
{plainsender} the sender's user name
{world} the sender's world
{prefix} the sender's prefix
{suffix} the sender's suffix
{group} the sender's primary group
{groupprefix} the sender's primary group prefix
{groupsuffix} the sender's primary group suffix
{convoaddress} To or From (only used for private messages)
{convopartner} the sender or receiver (only used for private messages)




Attribut description
name the channel's name
nick the channel's nickname
password the channel's password (leave blank for no password)
color the channel's color (use the codes or common names from Wiki)
distance the maximum distance between players for messages to be heard (0 is global)
shortcutAllowed allows use of @/<nick> <msg>@ to quickly send messages without changing focus
worlds a list of the channel's allowed worlds
bans a list of banned players
mutes a list of muted players
moderators a list of moderators
format the channel's format (see the Message Format Tags section for available tags)
verbose enables join/leave messages
focusable enables setting a channel as active with /ch <channel>
