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Version du 2 février 2014 à 11:20

Catégorie Prison [edit]
Développeur(s) multidude, matejdro, Tanstorm, ldragon, YoshiGenius
Bukkit jail
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis Officier
Dernière révision 2/02/2014

Jail ajoute une prison à votre serveur minecraft. Les administrateurs peuvent définir plusieurs prisons et emprisonner / sortir de prison des personnes définitivement ou sur une durée déterminée. Le plugin offre aussi large gamme de protections, afin que les joueurs ne s'échappe pas de votre prison (sanctions, gardes, etc).




Here is a list of commands. Parameter in round brackets () means that parameter is optional. Parameter in square brackets [] means that parameter is required.

Être prisonnier

  • /jailstatus - Jail status will show status about your sentence

Gérer une prison

  • /jail [player name] (time) m j:(Jail name) c:(Cell name) r:"(Reason)" - You can left out any parameters except name you want and you can put them in any order you want (so /jail Uti_ r:"just for fun" j:eviljail is still valid).
    • If you add m parameter, prisoner will be muted instantly after being jailed
    • Time means for how long will prisoner be jailed. Enter it in minutes, leave it out or enter -1 to jail him forever (or until you manually release him).
    • Jail name and cell name are names of the jail and cell prisoner will be jailed in. If you left it out, nearest jail and random cell will be used automatically.
    • Reason is reason for jailing. It will say it in /jailstatus and on cell sign. If your reason is more than one word, you must use brackets (for example r:"some very long reason"), otherwise you don't have to (for example r:griefer).
  • /handcuff <pseudo>Menotter un prisonnier (jail.cantbehandcuffed )
  • /jailcheck (player name) - Check the status of the specified prisoner. If you type it without argument, it will display all jailed prisoners
  • /jailclear - Release all prisoners from every jail on the server. Use with caution
  • /jailclearforce - Delete all prisoners from database, which means that they will not be jailed anymore, but they will also not be teleported out. Use with caution
  • /jaillistcells [jail name] - List all named cells from specified jail
  • /jaillist - List all created jails
  • /jailmute [prisoner name] - Toggle mute of specified prisoner (he cannot speak when he is muted)
  • /jailpay (amount) (prisoner name) - See JailPay (paying money to get out of jail)
  • /jailtelein [jail name] - This command will teleport you to teleport point of the specified jail
  • /jailteleout [jail name] - This command will teleport you to release teleport point of the specified jail
  • /jailtransferall [old jail] (new jail) - This command will transfer all prisoner from one jail to another. If you don't specify destination jail, plugin will automatically select another nearest jail. Use when you want to do some maintenance on jail and don't want anyone to bother you
  • /jailtransfer [prisoner name] (destination jail] - This command will transfer prisoner from one jail to another. If you don't specify destination jail, plugin will automatically select another nearest jail
  • /unjail [prisoner name] - This command will release specified prisoner
  • /unjailforce [prisoner name] - This command will delete prisoner from the database. He will not be treated as jailed (no protections will trigger), but he will not be teleported out, so he may be still stuck inside jail if there is no exit. You can also use it to remove misspelled names
  • /jailrecord [player name] - This command will allow you to see if the player specified has ever been jailed before. It will show you a list of times this has happened. It will show you who they were jailed by, how long for and why.
  • /jailset [player/jail name/jail name:cell name] [property name] (property value)
Prisoner options
    • time - change prisoner's time.
    • reason - change prisoner's reason.

Exemple : /jailset Uti_ time 1 will change time of prisoner named Uti_ to 1 minute

Jail options
    • telepoint - change teleport point of the jail.
    • releasepoint - change release teleport point of the jail.
    • corner1 - change first corner of the jail cuboid
    • corner2 - change second corner of the jail cuboid
    • worldedit - set jail cuboid to current worldedit selected region
    • manualjail - toggle manual status of the jail. Manual jails will not be picked up automatically. You can also edit manual jails in config.
Cell options
    • celltele - change teleport point of the cell
    • chest - change chest of the cell
    • addsign - add sign to the cell
    • removesign - remove sign from cell
    • clearsigns - remove all signs from cell
    • manualcell - toggle manual status of the cell. Manual cells will not be picked up automatically. You can also edit manual cells in config.

Exemple : /jailset jail corner1 will change first corner of jail named jail1 to block that you will right click.

Configurer une prison

  • /jailcreatecells [jail name] - Start process of creating cells for specified jail
  • /jailcreate [jail name] - Start process of creating new jail with specified name
  • /jailcreatewe [jail name] - Same as /jailcreate, except that it will automatically pick cuboid selected by WorldEdit, so you can use advanced selection features of WorldEdit, to select jail cuboid
  • /jaildeletecell [jail name] (cell name) - Delete specified cell. If you don't specify name, it will delete nearest cell to you, so you can stand in cell to delete it
  • /jaildeletecells [jail name] - Delete all cells from specified jail
  • /jaildelete [jail name] - Delete specified jail
  • /jailreload - Reload jail config and database data
  • /jailstick - Toggle status of the JailStick feature
  • /jailstop - Jail stop will abort any creation process (jail creation or cell creation)

This setting allows you to modify already made jails and prisoners. For some options you will need to enter value and for some options you will need to enter point.