« NBTEditor/Book of Souls » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 454 : Ligne 454 :
|The number of ticks before the fireworks rocket explodes.
|The number of ticks before the fireworks rocket explodes.
[[Catégorie:Plugin installé]]

Version du 10 février 2014 à 18:24

Book of Souls

Un Book of Souls (BoS) - Livre des Âmes - agit comme un conteneur détenant une entité personnalisée et permettre l'accès et la modification de toutes les propriétés facilement. Aucun fichier n'est enregistré sur le serveur, il vous suffit de mettre le livre dans un coffre pour une utilisation ultérieure. /bookofsouls alias:/bos.

En mode créatif, vous pouvez dupliquer le livre avec la touche de pick a block (par défaut: clic milieu), comme n'importe quel autre objet.

Créer un BoS

Éditer les variables

BoS de Mobs (équipements & effets)

BoS de Villageois (édition des offres)

BoS for Dropped Items, Thrown Potions and Firework Rocket

BoS for Falling Sand (Falling Block)

BoS for Minecarts

Entités chevauchables

Book of Souls vide


Nom Type description
Toutes les entités possédent ces variables
pos Vector Position of the entity (ignored when using left-click to spawn).
vel Vector Velocity of the entity.
fall-distance Decimal Distance the entity has fallen. Controls the damage taken when the entity lands.
fire Integer Number of tick until the entity stops burning. Negative values give fire immunity, for that amount of tick. -1 when not burning.
air Integer Fills to 200, decreases while underwater. When 0 the entity will start losing health.
invulnerable Boolean If 'true', the entity will not take any damage.
Toutes les mobs (entités vivantes) possédent ces variables
health Decimal Amount of health the mob has (1 = half a heart).
old-health Integer Amount of health the mob has. (don't use this variable, this was used prior to 1.6).
attack-time Integer Unknown effect (may be removed on the future).
hurt-time Integer Controls hit animation!? (may be removed on the future).
death-time Integer Controls death animation!? (may be removed on the future).
pick-loot Boolean If 'true', the mob will pick up items.
persistent Boolean If 'true', the mob will not despawn naturally.
name String The name of the mob.
name-visible Boolean If 'true', the name will always be visible.
Toutes les mobs domesticables possédent ces variables
owner String Name of the owner.
sitting Boolean If 'true', the entity will be sitting.
Toutes les Breedable Mobs (à l‘exception des chevaux) possédent ces variables
in-love Integer Number of ticks until the mob loses its breeding hearts. 0 when not in love.
age Integer Represents the age in ticks. When negative the mob is a baby (ticks until the mod turns to an adult). When 0 or positive the mob is an adult, positive values represent the number of ticks before the mob can breed again.
saddle Boolean If 'true', the pig has a saddle.
sheared Boolean If 'true', the sheep is naked.
color Integer The color of the sheep's wool (0 to 15).
cat-type Integer The type of cat (0, 1, 2 or 3),
angry Boolean If 'true', is angry.
collar-color Integer The wolf's collar color (0 to 15), default 14.
type Integer The type of the horse, 0 = horse, 1 = donkey, 2= mule, 3 = zombie, 4 = skeleton.
tamed Boolean If 'true', the horse is tamed.
chested Boolean If 'true', the horse has chests.
eating Boolean If 'true', the horse is eating.
owner String Name of the owner, has no effect. Server plugins may use this to block other players from riding the horse.
variant HorseVariant The horse variant, read more above ('Types of variables').
profession Integer The profession of the villager, affects the clothing and the default trades (0 to 5).
Golem d'acier
player-created Boolean If 'true', the golem will not attack players.
is-villager Boolean If 'true', the zombie is an infected villager.
is-baby Boolean If 'true', the zombie is a baby.
conversion-time Integer The number of ticks until the zombie is converted back into a villager. -1 if not being converted.
can-break-doors Boolean >If 'true', the zombie can break doors.
Pig Zombie
All variables from Zombie (can-break-doors has no effect).
anger Integer Anger level. 0 for neutral pig zombie.
is-wither Boolean If 'true', the skeleton is a wither skeleton.
powered Boolean If 'true', the creeper is a charged creeper.
explosion-radius Integer The explosion power of the creeper, default 3.
fuse Integer The number of ticks before the creeper will explode, default 30.
Slime / Magma Cube
size Integer The size of the slime / magma cube.
explosion-power Integer The explosion power of the ghast's fireball, default 1.
block Block The block being hold by the enderman.
invul-time Integer The number of ticks of invulnerability left.
Tous les items (droppés et les Orbs d'XP) possédent ces variables
health Integer The health of the item, starts at 5. When it reaches 0 the item is destroyed.
age Integer The 'age' of the item, after 6000 ticks the item is destroyed.
Orbs d'XP
value Integer The amount of experience on the orb.
pickup Integer 0 = cannot be picked up by players, 1 = can be picked up by players in survival or creative, 2 = can only be picked up by players in creative.
player Boolean If 'true', and 'pickup' is not used, the arrow can be picked up by players.
damage Decimal The damage inflicted by the arrow, default 2.0.
Tous les fireballs (Large, Small et Wither Squelette) possédent ces variables
power Vector The acceleration of the fireball.
Large Fireball
explosion-power Integer The explosion power of the fireball.
owner String The owner of the enderperl.
Tous les minecarts possédent ces variables
display-tile Boolean If 'true', the minecart can display a custom block.
tile Block The custom block to be displayed.
tile-offset Integer The offset of the block. Positive values move the block upwards.
name String The name of the minecart.
Minecart Spawner (ainsi que les spawner block, '/nbts var').
count Integer How many entities the sapwner will attempt to spawn each time.
range Integer The radius around which the spawner attempts to spawn entities, the area is a square. If the entity has the 'pos' variable set, then the entity will spawn at that location, ignoring this variable.
delay Integer Ticks until next spawn. This is always counting down, when it reaches 0 the spawner will spawn and the variable will reset to a value between 'min-delay' and 'max-delay'.
min-delay Integer The minimum time, in ticks, between attempts to spawn.
max-delay Integer The maximum time, in ticks, between attempts to spawn.
max-entities Integer The maximum number of entities nearby.
player-range Integer The activation range of the spawner, the area is a sphere. At least one player need to be inside this area for the spawner to work.
Blocs tombants
block Block The block that is falling.
time Integer The number of ticks the entity has existed. If set to 0, the moment it changes to 1 it will vanish if the block at its location has a different id, if the block at its location has the same id, the block will instead be deleted. When time goes above 600, or above 100 while the entity is below y = 0, the entity is deleted. To spawn a falling block from a sapwner use 1 or, has said before, the entity will vanish if the block at its location has a different id.
drop-item Boolean If 'true', it will drop an item when it breaks.
hurt-entities Boolean If 'true', it will hurt entities when it falls.
fall-hurt-amount Decimal A value to be multiplied by 'fall-distance' to calculate the amount of damage to inflict.
fall-hurt-max Integer The maximum of hitpoits the falling block can inflict.
TNT apprêtée
fuse Integer Number of ticks until explosion.
Fusée de feux d'artifices
life Integer The number of ticks the fireworks rocket has been flying for. It explodes when this value reaches 'lifetime'.
lifetime Integer The number of ticks before the fireworks rocket explodes.