« MyPet » : différence entre les versions

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|teleports your MyPet to you.
|teleports your MyPet to you.

Version du 13 septembre 2014 à 10:54

Catégorie Plugin Roleplay [edit]
Développeur(s) xXKeyleXx, sakura_blades
Bukkit mypet
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis Citoyen
Dernière révision 13/09/2014


Commande Description Alias
/mypet show all available MyPet commands. N/A
/petinfo [username] show the following info about your or another player's MyPet.
  • hitpoints
  • experience
  • damage
  • owner (only when MyPets isn't yours)
  • skilltree


/petname [new-pet-name] set the name of your MyPet.

owners can use colors to make the name of their pets more colorfull with this placeholder: <black>, <darkblue>, <darkgreen>, <darkred>, <darkpurple>, <gold>, <gray>, <darkgray>, <blue>, <green>, <aqua>, <red>, <lightpurple>, <yellow>, <white>, <magic>, <bold>, <strikethrough>, <underline>, <italic>, <reset>

/petrelease [pet-name] release your MyPet so you don't have a MyPet anymore N/A
/petcall teleports your MyPet to you. /pc


/petsendaway send your MyPet away.

it can be still called by using the /petcall command



/petrespawn [pay or show or auto] show the following info about your or another player's MyPet.

auto with an addition parameter (Integer) determines what the maximum time is the player want to pay for Example: A player used /petrespawn auto 10 and the pet dies and has a respawn time of 16 seconds. Now the plugin will wait until the respawntime is 10 seconds and then respawn the pet when the owner can pay the respawn fee.



/petskill [playername] shows info about the skills of your MyPet.

as an admin this command you can also shows info about other player's MyPets

/petstop your MyPet stop attacking his taget

useless in farm and aggressive behavior modes

/ps /pets

petskilltree <mobtype> [skilltree name]
  • shows all available skilltrees for a choosen mobtype.
  • shows all level and skills for a choosen skilltree of a choosen mobtype

can only be used in the server console

/petchooseskilltree [skilltree name]
  • shows all available skilltrees.
  • selects a skilltree for your MyPet.
  • since MyPet 1.1.3 this command will bring up an item menu for the skilltree selection (Spoiler below)


/petcapturehelper enable/disable CaptureHelper /pch
pettype <pettype> displays info about the pettype like default HP, leash flags and food N/A
/petinventory opens the inventory of your MyPet.

can not be opened when pet is in water/lava

/pi /peti

petpickup toggles pickup of your MyPet on/off

requires Inventory with at least one row of slots

/pp /petp

petbehavior [mode] toggles the behavior your MyPet.
    • Modes:
      • friendly → the MyPet will not fight even when it's attacked by anything
    • friend
      • normal → the MyPet will act like a normal wolf
      • aggressive → attacks automaticly everythink within 15 blocks of the owner
    • aggro
      • farm → attacks automaticly every Monster within 15 blocks of the owner
      • raid → like normal but the MyPet will not attack players and their minions (wolves, ocelot, MyPets)
      • duel → pets will attack other pets with active duel behavior within a 5 block radius

/pb /petb

/petbeacon opens the beacon window of your MyPet.

/pbeacon /petbeacon

/petadmin <option> [parameters…] You need the MyPet.admin permission to use this command!
  • options:
  • name
    • set the name of a MyPet for a specific player
    • parameters:
  • <ownername>
  • <new petname>
  • exp

set the exp of a MyPet for a specific player

    • parameters:
      • <ownername>
      • <new exp of the pet>
      • [add/set/remove]
  • respawn
    • set/displays the respawnt time of a MyPet for a specific player will only change the respawn time for dead MyPets
    • parameters:
      • <ownername>
      • [new respawntime] or [show]
  • reload
    • reloads the config file (config.yml)
  • reloadskills
    • reloads the skilltrees
  • skilltree
    • changes the skilltree of a MyPet
    • parameters:
      • <pet ownername>
      • <skilltree>
  • build
    • shows MyPet version and buildnumber
  • create
    • creates a new MyPet for a specific player
    • Only usable when player has no active MyPet
    • Use -f to create a new pet even if the player has a pet already
    • parameters:
      • [-f]
      • <ownername>
      • <pettype>
      • [parameter]
        • Use the TAB-key to see all possible paramerters for the selected pettype
  • clone
    • clones a MyPet from a player and gives it to another player
    • parameters:
      • <pet ownername>
      • <new pet ownername>
  • remove
    • deletes a new MyPet for a specific player
    • parameters:
      • <ownername>
  • cleanup
    • deletes unused pets older than a certain amount of days
    • if the days parameter is set to -1 all pets which aren't used after the upgrade to MyPet 1.1.3
    • parameters:
      • <-1> or <days>