« CreativeControl » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 18 : Ligne 18 :

;Il existe dans le config.yml diverses options que vous pouvez activer/désactiver dans le fichier OU directement en jeu avec les commandes qui suivent :  
;Il existe dans le config.yml diverses options que vous pouvez activer/désactiver dans le fichier OU directement en jeu avec les commandes qui suivent :  

{| class="wikitable2"
{| class="wikitable2"
Ligne 24 : Ligne 25 :
|/ccontrol help
|Displays help
|/ccontrol reload
|reloads configuration
|/ccontrol memory
|Displays current block memory usage.
|/ccontrol add
|Adds clicked block to database.
|/ccontrol remove
|Removes clicked block from database.
|/ccontrol update
|Checks if update is available.
|Displays help for this subcommand.
|Displays help for this subcommand.
|Displays help for this subcommand.
|Allows everything that can be allowed
|Allows player everything from cc.allow group
|Allows player everything from cc.allow group
|Allows player to drop items while in creative
|Allows player to drop items while in creative
|Allows player to pickup dropped items while in creative
|Allows player to pickup dropped items while in creative
|Allows player to do damage to everything or
|Allows player to do damage to everything or
|Allows player to open all containers listed below
|Allows player to open all containers listed below
|Allows players to spawn mobs using monster eggs while in creative
|Allows players to spawn mobs using monster eggs while in creative
|Allows player to throw chicken egss
|Allows player to throw chicken egss
|Allows player to use potions in creative
|Allows player to use potions in creative
|Allows player to use flint and steel in creative
|Allows player to use flint and steel in creative
|Allows player to use Bottle'o'enchanting while in creative
|Allows player to use Bottle'o'enchanting while in creative
|Allows player to put items on armor stands while in creative
|Allows player to put items on armor stands while in creative
|Allows player to put discs to jukebox while in creative
|Allows player to put discs to jukebox while in creative
|Allows player to open beacon menu.
|Allows player to open beacon menu.
|Allows player to place ItemFrames while in creative
|Allows player to place ItemFrames while in creative
|Allows player to plant on farmland
|Allows player to plant on farmland
|Allows player to destroy farmland by jumping on it
|Allows player to destroy farmland by jumping on it
|Allows player to fish in creative
|Allows player to fish in creative
|Allows player to breed animals while in creative
|Allows player to breed animals while in creative
|Allows player to use eye of ender while in creative!
|Allows player to use eye of ender while in creative!
|Allows player to use snowballs while in creative!
|Allows player to use snowballs while in creative!
|Allows player to fill ender portal using Eyes of Ender while in creative!
|Allows player to fill ender portal using Eyes of Ender while in creative!
|Allows player to spawn Iron Golem, Snowman and Wither
|Allows player to spawn Iron Golem, Snowman and Wither
|Allows player to use all restricted commands while in creative
|Allows player to use all restricted commands while in creative
|Allows player to use specified command. Permission must be defined with slash!
|Allows player to use specified command. Permission must be defined with slash!
|Allows player to use all disabled items
|Allows player to use all disabled items
|Allows player to use specified disabled item
|Allows player to use specified disabled item
|Allows player to bypass following
|Allows player to bypass following
|Allows player to bypass everything from the node cc.bypass.gamemode.
|Allows player to bypass everything from the node cc.bypass.gamemode.
|Allows player to use disabled gamemode
|Allows player to use disabled gamemode
|Player won't be given or removed any permissions.
|Player won't be given or removed any permissions.
|Player won't get switched inventories.
|Player won't get switched inventories.
|Bypass ItemFrame place logging and be able to get drops from creative placed itemframes
|Bypass ItemFrame place logging and be able to get drops from creative placed itemframes
|Bypass ItemFrame place logging
|Bypass ItemFrame place logging
|Allows player to get drops from creative placed ItemFrames
|Allows player to get drops from creative placed ItemFrames
|Allows players to pick up drops from block which where placed in creative
|Allows players to pick up drops from block which where placed in creative
|Blocks placed by player with this permission in creative can be destroyed and get drops from them.
|Blocks placed by player with this permission in creative can be destroyed and get drops from them.
|Won't track player placement o minecarts
|Won't track player placement o minecarts
|Allows player to get drops from minecarts placed in creative!
|Allows player to get drops from minecarts placed in creative!
|Player won't get removed or added any permissions when changed gamemode to creative.
|Player won't get removed or added any permissions when changed gamemode to creative.
|Player's WorldEdit actions won't be logged.
|Player's WorldEdit actions won't be logged.
|Allows player to destroy naturally generated bedrock
|Allows player to destroy naturally generated bedrock
|Allows player to access /cc (/creativecontrol) command
|<code class="red">/creativecontrol</code>
|Allows player to access /creativecontrol
|<code class="red">/cc</code>
|Allows player to access all subcommands of command /cc
|Allows player to access all subcommands of command
|<code class="red">/cc reload</code>
|Allows player to reload plugin configuration /cc reload
|Allows player to reload plugin configuration  
|<code class="red">/ccontrol add</code>
|Allows player to add command to restricted command list /cc addcmd
|Allows player to add command to restricted command list /cc addcmd
|<code class="red">/ccontrol remove</code>
|Allows player to remove command from restricted command list /cc removecmd
|Allows player to remove command from restricted command list /cc removecmd
|<code class="red">/ccconverter</code>
|Allows player to convert database /cc convert
|Allows player to convert database /cc convert
|<code class="red">/ccontrol memory</code>
|Allow player to get information about block memory usage
|Allow player to get information about block memory usage

Version du 20 juin 2016 à 14:06

Catégorie Utilitaire [edit]
Développeur(s) KubqoA
Spigot creativecontrolbykubqoa.9988
Sources url.2programmers.net
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis Pérégrin
Dernière révision 20/06/2016

CreativeControl nous permet de gérer le gamemode sur le serveur. En effet les inventaires et xp sont switchés selon le gamemode (et permet donc d'avoir des inventaires différents).
Entre autres CreativeControl permet de restreindre ou non le gamemode creative en bloquant les interactions avec les coffres, dispensers etc mais aussi permet de bloquer le drop.


En tant que tel GameMode Inventories n'a pas d'utilisation au travers de commandes, mis à part pour sa configuration.
Il gère entièrement le gamemode creative dès qu'un utilisateur l'utilise.

Il existe dans le config.yml diverses options que vous pouvez activer/désactiver dans le fichier OU directement en jeu avec les commandes qui suivent

commande permission description
cc.allow.* Allows player everything from cc.allow group
cc.allow.drop Allows player to drop items while in creative
cc.allow.pickup Allows player to pickup dropped items while in creative
cc.allow.damage.* Allows player to do damage to everything or
cc.allow.container.* Allows player to open all containers listed below
cc.allow.monsteregg Allows players to spawn mobs using monster eggs while in creative
cc.allow.chickenegg Allows player to throw chicken egss
cc.allow.potion Allows player to use potions in creative
cc.allow.ignite Allows player to use flint and steel in creative
cc.allow.expbottle Allows player to use Bottle'o'enchanting while in creative
cc.allow.armorstand Allows player to put items on armor stands while in creative
cc.allow.jukebox Allows player to put discs to jukebox while in creative
cc.allow.beacon Allows player to open beacon menu.
cc.allow.itemframe Allows player to place ItemFrames while in creative
cc.allow.plant Allows player to plant on farmland
cc.allow.destroyfarmland Allows player to destroy farmland by jumping on it
cc.allow.fish Allows player to fish in creative
cc.allow.breed Allows player to breed animals while in creative
cc.allow.eyeofender Allows player to use eye of ender while in creative!
cc.allow.snowball Allows player to use snowballs while in creative!
cc.allow.fillenderportal Allows player to fill ender portal using Eyes of Ender while in creative!
cc.allow.mobspawn Allows player to spawn Iron Golem, Snowman and Wither
cc.cmd.* Allows player to use all restricted commands while in creative
cc.cmd.commande Allows player to use specified command. Permission must be defined with slash!
cc.item.* Allows player to use all disabled items
cc.item.ITEM Allows player to use specified disabled item
cc.bypass.* Allows player to bypass following
cc.bypass.gamemode.* Allows player to bypass everything from the node cc.bypass.gamemode.
cc.bypass.gamemode.GAMEMODE Allows player to use disabled gamemode
cc.bypass.gamemode.permissions Player won't be given or removed any permissions.
cc.bypass.gamemode.inventory Player won't get switched inventories.
cc.bypass.itemframe.* Bypass ItemFrame place logging and be able to get drops from creative placed itemframes
cc.bypass.itemframe.place Bypass ItemFrame place logging
cc.bypass.itemframe.break Allows player to get drops from creative placed ItemFrames
cc.bypass.break Allows players to pick up drops from block which where placed in creative
cc.bypass.place Blocks placed by player with this permission in creative can be destroyed and get drops from them.
cc.bypass.minecarts.place Won't track player placement o minecarts
cc.bypass.minecarts.break Allows player to get drops from minecarts placed in creative!
cc.bypass.permissions Player won't get removed or added any permissions when changed gamemode to creative.
cc.bypass.worldedit Player's WorldEdit actions won't be logged.
cc.bypass.bedrock Allows player to destroy naturally generated bedrock
/creativecontrol cc.cc Allows player to access /creativecontrol
/cc cc.cc.* Allows player to access all subcommands of command
/cc reload cc.cc.reload Allows player to reload plugin configuration
/ccontrol add cc.cc.addcmd Allows player to add command to restricted command list /cc addcmd
/ccontrol remove cc.cc.removecmd Allows player to remove command from restricted command list /cc removecmd
/ccconverter cc.cc.convert Allows player to convert database /cc convert
/ccontrol memory cc.cc.memory Allow player to get information about block memory usage