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{| class="wikitable"
! Project
! nowrap="nowrap"| Documentation status
! Description
| nowrap="nowrap"| [[Image:CommandBook_Icon.png]] [[CommandBook]]
| Mostly complete
| '''CommandBook''' is a plugin for general commands for Bukkit. It provides:
* A number of basic commands such as /time and /teleport
* Basic features such as message of the day
* Warps and homes support
* A simple bans management system
| nowrap="nowrap"| [[Image:CraftBook_Icon.png]] [[CraftBook]]
| Needs much work
| '''CraftBook''' is one of Minecraft's first ever game mods, and as a Minecraft SMP addon, it adds:
* Interactive mechanisms like bridges, elevators, and gates.
* Redstone features such as integrated circuits and programmable logic chips.
* Minecart enhancements such as stations and boosters.
| nowrap="nowrap"| [[Image:WorldGuard_Icon.png]] [[WorldGuard]]
| Mostly complete, lacking API documentation
| '''WorldGuard''' is a toolbox of various functions, useful for multiplayer servers, that lets you:
* Protect your server from a number of problems.
* Block fire spread, lava spread, endermen, and more.
* Flag areas as "no PVP" or "no TNT."
* Assign ownership to areas so only selected individuals can build.
* Use a number of useful commands.
| nowrap="nowrap"| [[Image:WorldEdit_Icon.png]] [[WorldEdit]]
| Mostly complete, missing some commands
| '''WorldEdit''' is an easy-to-use in-game world editor for Minecraft, supporting both single player and multiplayer, that lets you:
* Change thousands of blocks in an area at once.
* Remove chunks of land as you wish.
* Sculpt the world and build mountains with brushes.
* Fix annoyances such as broken water.
| nowrap="nowrap"| [[Image:CommandHelper_Icon.png]] [[CommandHelper]]
| Complete
| '''CommandHelper''' is an alias, macro, and scripting plugin for Minecraft that lets you:
* Alias commands like ''/battle'' to run ''/warp #battlearena''.
* Write a script to let players message each other while offline.
* Create an automated battle arena that automatically resets.
* Write your own /tp, /time, or /warp
* Do much more, from the simple to the complex, with zero Java code.

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Version du 24 août 2012 à 12:44

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