« DragonTravel » : différence entre les versions

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Page créée avec « http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/dragontravel/ Catégorie:Plugin installé »
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{{Infobox Plugin| image = Deposite_logo.jpg| catégorie = Sauvegarde de coffre et inventaire| dev = Phiwa, XensDoom| bukkit = dragontravel| grade = maraud| status = installé|}}

== Utilisation ==
;Son utilisation reste simple et ne nécessite pas de manipulation particulière
* face à un dragonport, placez vous sur la glowstone qui au sol
* frappez, les mains vides, le panneau indiquant ''dragontravel''
* vous voilà à dos de dragon en partance pour de lointaines contrées! (ou non)
[[Fichier:DragonPort.png|thumb|400px|Dragonport de [[Nefald]].]]
<!-- blblblbl
== Permissions & commandes ==
{| class="wikitable3"
| Accéder à l'aide de Deposite
Permission for all commands
Permission "dt.*" gives a user access to all commands.
dt.user -> Basic permissions
    Contains the following permission-nodes:
    stopmusic dt.stopmusic
    dismount dt.dismount
    deslist dt.destlist
    statlist dt.statlist
    travel dt.travel
    using travel signs dt.travelsigns.use
    sethome dt.home.set
    home dt.home
    ptoggle dt.ptoggle
    flight dt.flight
    using flight signs dt.flightsigns.use
    flightlist dt.flightlist
dt.userplus -> Basic permissions & some more features
    all dt.user permissions
    ctravel dt.ctravel
    ptravel dt.ptravel
    mount dt.mount
dt.mod.travel -> Advanced permissions to create/remove destination/stations
    all dt.userplus permissions plus the following ones:
    setdest (dt.setdest)
    setstat (dt.setstat)
    creating/remving dest signs (dt.travelsigns)
    remdest (dt.remdest)
    remstat (dt.remstat)
dt.mod.flight -> Advanced permissions to create/remove flights
    all dt.mod.travel permissions plus the following ones:
    saveflight (dt.saveflight)
    createflight (dt.createflight)
    creating flight signs (dt.flightsigns)
    remflight (dt.remflight)
    setwp (dt.setwp)
    remlastwp (dt.remwp)
dt.* / '*' / op -> All permissions of DragonTravel :
    Not included in any of the above permission-groups, but in the wildcard:
    nocost flight (dt.nocost)
    spout gui, default key "L" (dt.gui)
    create stationary dragon (dt.statdragon)
    remove ghosts (dt.remdragons)
    bypass the "RequiredItem"-check (dt.notrequireitem)
Single Permissions
    /dt setdest [destination-name]: Sets a new destination
    permission: "dt.waypoint"
    /dt remdest [destination-name]: Removes a destination
    permission: "dt.waypoint"
    /dt destlist: Gives you a list of all destinations in your current world.
    permission: "dt.travel"
    /dt setstat [station-name]: Sets a new station
    permission: "dt.setstat"
    /dt remstat [station-name]: Removes a station
    permission: "dt.remstat"
    /dt statlist: Gives you a list of all stations in your current world.
    permission: "dt.statlist"
    /dt travel [destiantion-name]: brings you to the given destination
    permission: "dt.travel"
    /dt ctravel [x,y,z]: brings you to the given coordinates
    permission: "dt.ctravel"
    /dt ptravel [playername]: brings you to the given player
    permission: "dt.ptravel"
    /dt sethome: Sets the player's home-point to his current location.
    permission: "dt.home.set"
    /dt home: Starts a travel to the player's home-point.
    permission: "dt.home"
    /dt createflight [flight-name]: Creates a new flight with the given name and switches you into the flight-edit-mode.
    permission: "dt.createflight"
    /dt setwp: Sets the next waypoint for the flight's path. Same can be achieved by right-clicking a block with a bowl in your hand.
    permission: "dt.setwp"
    /dt remlastwp: Removes the waypoint you just set.
    permission: "dt.remwp"
    /dt saveflight: Saves the flight and its flight-path to the database and switches you out of the flight-edit-mode.
    permission: "dt.saveflight"
    /dt remflight [flight-name]: Removes the flight with the given name.
    permission: "dt.remflight"
    /dt flight [flight-name]: Starts a flight along the given flights' path.
    permission: "dt.flight"
    /dt flightlist: Gives you a list of all available flights.
    permission: "dt.flightlist"
    /dt ptoggle: Toggles whether you allow other players to travel to you using the command "/dt ptravel"
    permission: "dt.ptoggle"
    /dt statdragon: Creates a stationary dragon
    permission: "dt.statdragon"
    /dt remdragons: Removes all nearby dragons which do not have players mounted
    permission: "dt.remdragons"
    /dt mount: Mounts yourself onto a dragon
    permission: "dt.mount"
    /dt stopmusic: Stops the music which is played via Spout while a player is travelling. Only needed if the sound does not stop because of any reason. permission: "dt.stopmusic"
    /dt dismount: Dismounts your dragon mid-flight.
    permission: "dt.dismount"
    /dt help [1/2]: Gives the player a list of all commands available to him.
    permission: "dt.travel" for help 1 and "dt.waypoint" for help 2
[[Catégorie:Plugin installé]]
[[Catégorie:Plugin installé]]

Version du 5 avril 2013 à 05:54

Catégorie Sauvegarde de coffre et inventaire [edit]
Développeur(s) Phiwa, XensDoom
Bukkit dragontravel
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis maraud
Dernière révision 5/04/2013


Son utilisation reste simple et ne nécessite pas de manipulation particulière
  • face à un dragonport, placez vous sur la glowstone qui au sol
  • frappez, les mains vides, le panneau indiquant dragontravel
  • vous voilà à dos de dragon en partance pour de lointaines contrées! (ou non)
Dragonport de Nefald.