« DragonTravel Phœnix » : différence entre les versions
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[[Catégorie:Plugin utilisant Vault]] | [[Catégorie:Plugin utilisant Vault]] |
Version du 18 mars 2014 à 12:39
DragonTravel Phœnix | ||||
![]() | ||||
Plugin | ||||
Catégorie | Transport [edit] | |||
Développeur(s) | Phiwa, XemsDoom | |||
Bukkit | dragontravel | |||
Nefald | ||||
Status | installé [edit] | |||
Grade requis | Maraud | |||
Article | ||||
Dernière révision | 18/03/2014 |
DragonTravel Phœnix permet à nos marauds de rejoindre Nefald à dos de dragon! Bientôt, d'autres destinations seront ouvertes, grâce à ce fabuleux moyen de transport.
- Son utilisation reste simple et ne nécessite pas de manipulation particulière
- face à un dragonport, placez vous sur la glowstone qui au sol
- frappez, les mains vides, le panneau indiquant dragontravel
- vous voilà à dos de dragon en partance pour de lointaines contrées! (ou non)


DragonPort de Nefald.
DragonPort de Nefald.
DragonPort d'Edderkopp.
DragonPort d'Edderkopp.
DragonPort d'Edderkopp.
Pancarte du Dragonport.
Permissions & commandes
commandes | description | permissions |
Général | ||
/dt dismount | Descendre de votre dragon en plein vol. | |
/dt sethome | Définir votre home à l'endroit où vous vous tenez. | |
/dt ptoggle | Permettre à d'autres joueurs de s'envoler ou non vers vous. | |
Voyages | ||
/dt travel <station> | S'envoler vers la station indiquée. | dt.travel.<station> ou dt.travel.* (pour autoriser toute les stations) |
/dt ctravel <x> <y> <z> [monde] | S'envoler vers les coordonnées indiquées. | dt.ctravel |
/dt ptravel <pseudonyme> | S'envoler vers le joueur indiqué. | dt.ptravel |
/dt home | S'envoler vers votre home | dt.home |
/dt fhome | S'envoler vers votre home de faction | dt.fhome |
/dt showstats | Afficher une liste de toutes les stations existantes. | |
Envol | ||
/dt flight <plan de vol> | Débuter le plan de vol indiqué. | dt.flight.<plan de vol> ou dt.flight.* (pour autoriser tous les vols) |
/dt showflights | Afficher une liste de tous les plans de vols existants. | |
Administration | ||
/dt remdragons | Supprimer tous les dragons à proximité qui ne seraient pas montés par un joueur. | dt.admin.remdragon |
/dt setstat <station> | Définir une nouvelle station | dt.admin.stations |
/dt remstat <station> | Supprimer une station. | dt.admins.stations |
/dt createflight <plan de vol> | Créer un nouveau plan de vol avec le nom indiqué. Le mode édition de vol sera activé. | dt.admin.flights |
/dt saveflight | Sauvegarder le plan de vol et les waypoints dans la base de données. Le mode édition de vol sera désactivé. | dt.admin.flights |
/dt remflight <plan de vol> | Supprimer le plan de vol indiqué. | dt.admin.flights |
/dt setwp | Définir un nouveau waypoint pour le vol. Au lieu d'exécuter la commande vous pouvez aussi utiliser l'outil aka une boule de neige. | dt.admin.flights |
/dt remlastwp | Supprimer le waypoint que vous venez de créer. | dt.admin.flights |
# Copyright 2011-2013 - XemsDoom/Phiwa DragonTravel Licence GPLv3
ConfigVersion: 1.7
UsePayment: true
System: Item
PaymentItem: 371
Economy: 5.0
Item: 1
Economy: 5.0
Item: 1
Economy: 10.0
Item: 5
Economy: 0.0
Item: 0
Economy: 0.0
Item: 0
Economy: 7.0
Item: 7
TravelHeight: 100
RequireItemForTravel: false
RequiredItemForTravel: 371
UseStation: false
UseStatDestMarker: true
DistancetoStation: 5.0
UseOnlySigns: false
IgnoreAntiMobspawnAreas: true
AntiGriefallDragons: false
AntiGriefDragonTravelDragons: true
DragonSpeed: 0.5
- /spawn
- /f
- /kill
- /home
- /tp
RandomDest-Name: _random_
MinX: -100
MaxX: 100
MinZ: -100
MaxZ: 100
MusicURL: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37237580/DragonTravelDemo.ogg
MessageOnPlay: true
GUIopenKey: KEY_L
PToggleDefault: true
Version: 0.2
- Traduction en cours
# for the usage of this file
Version: 0.2
Language: French
AddedStatDragon: '&aSuccessfully created stationary dragon.'
DismountedHere: '&aYou successfully dismounted your dragon.'
DismountedToStart: '&aYou cancelled your journey and were brought back to your
ToggledPTravelOn: '&aYou now allow player-travels to you.'
ToggledPTravelOff: '&aYou now don''t allow player-travels to you.'
NoPermission: '&cYou do not have the permission to use this.'
NotMounted: '&cYou are not mounted.'
RequiredItemMissing: '&cYou do not have the required item in your inventory
to use the plugin.'
DatabaseCorrupted: '&cThe database is corrupted, could not load the entry. Please
inform the admin.'
ReachedDragonLimit: '&cThe server already reached its limit, you cannot spawn
another dragon, please wait for another player to dismount.'
WithdrawMessage: '&aSay bye to &f{amount}&a gold nugget(s).'
NotEnoughResources: '&cYou do not have enough resources.'
WithdrawMessage: '&aSay bye to &f{amount}&a coins.'
NotEnoughMoney: '&cYou do not have enough money.'
SignCreated: '&aSign was created successfully.'
SignCorrupted: '&cSign is corrupted.'
NoTargetStationSpecified: '&cPlease specify a travel.'
NoTargetFlightSpecified: '&cPlease specify a flight.'
StartingFlight: '&aStarting flight &f{flightname}&a.'
NowInFlightCreationMode: '&aYou are now in flight-creation mode. Use &f/dt setwp&a
to set waypoints and &f/dt saveflight&a to save the flight and exit the mode.'
WaypointAdded: '&aSuccessfully added a waypoint.'
WaypointRemoved: '&aSuccessfully removed the last waypoint.'
FlightSaved: '&aSuccessfully saved the flight.'
RemovedFlight: '&aSuccessfully removed the flight.'
SendingPlayer: '&aSending player &f{playername}&a on flight &f{flightname}&a.'
SentPlayer: '&aYou were sent on the flight &f{flightname} &aby an admin.'
FlightDoesNotExist: '&cFlight does not exist.'
FlightAlreadyExists: '&cFlight allready exists.'
FlightIsInDifferentWorld: '&cFlight is in a different world.'
AlreadyInFlightCreationMode: '&cYou already are in flight-creation mode.'
NotInFlightCreationMode: '&cYou are not in flight-creation mode.'
AtLeastOneWaypoint: '&cYou must create at least one waypoint.'
CannotDestroyMarkerByHand: '&cYou cannot destroy a marker by hand. Use &f/dt
remlastwp &cinstead.'
CouldNotfindPlayerToSend: '&cCouldn''t find the player &f{playername}&c.'
OnlySigns: '&cThis command has been disabled by the admin, you can only use
flights using signs.'
TravellingToRandomLocation: '&aTravelling to a random location.'
TravellingToCoordinatesSameWorld: '&aTravelling to coordinates &f{x}&a, &f{y}&a,
TravellingToCoordinatesOtherWorld: '&aTravelling to coordinates &f{x}&a, &f{y}&a,
&f{z}&a in world &f{worldname}&a.'
TravellingToHome: '&aTravelling to your home.'
TravellingToStation: '&aTravelling to &f{stationname}&a.'
InvalidCoordinates: '&cInvalid Coordinates.'
PlayerNotOnline: '&cThe player &f{playername}&a isn''t online.'
NoHomeSet: '&cYou didn''t set a home yet.'
OnlySigns: '&cThis command has been disabled by the admin, you can only travel
using signs.'
WorldNotFound: '&cCould not find the specified world.'
TargetPlayerDoesnotAllowPTravel: '&cThe player &f{playername}&a does not allow
player-travels to him.'
CannotTravelToYourself: '&cIt doesn''t make sense to travel to yourself...'
StationCreated: '&aSuccessfully created the station &f{stationname}&a.'
StationRemoved: '&aSuccessfully removed the station &f{stationname}&a.'
StationAlreadyExists: '&cThe station &f{stationname}&a already exists.'
StationDoesNotExist: '&cThe station &f{stationname}&a does not exist.'
NotCreateStationWithRandomstatName: '&cYou cannot create a staion with the name
of the RandomDest.'
NotAtAStation: '&cYou must be at a station to mount a dragon.'
CouldNotCreateStation: '&cCouldn''t create station.'
CouldNotRemoveStation: '&cCouldn''t remove station.'
FactionsNotInstalled: '&cFactions is not installed on this server.'
NoFactionMember: '&cYou are not a member of a faction.'
FactionHasNoHome: '&cYour faction does no have a home-point.'