« Ban Management » : différence entre les versions
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mAucun résumé des modifications |
Ligne 1 : | Ligne 1 : | ||
{{Infobox Plugin| image = | {{Infobox Plugin| image = BanManagement_Logo.png| catégorie = Modération | dev = confuserr | bukkit = ban-management | grade = Officier | status = installé|}} | ||
[[Fichier:BanManagement_Banlist.png|thumb|290px|Aperçu d'une Banlist.]] | [[Fichier:BanManagement_Banlist.png|thumb|290px|Aperçu d'une Banlist.]] | ||
'''Ban Management''' est le plugin qui gère sur Nefald les bannissements, kick, etc. Tout aussi efficace que [[MCBans]], '''BM''' est quand à lui en local et utilise MySQL, ce qui permet d'avoir une banlist php ou de partager sa base de données. Mais aussi d'avoir plusieurs serveurs. Un régal. | '''Ban Management''' est le plugin qui gère sur Nefald les bannissements, kick, etc. Tout aussi efficace que [[MCBans]], '''BM''' est quand à lui en local et utilise MySQL, ce qui permet d'avoir une banlist php ou de partager sa base de données. Mais aussi d'avoir plusieurs serveurs. Un régal. | ||
Ligne 49 : | Ligne 49 : | ||
|bm.command.unbanip | |bm.command.unbanip | ||
|- | |- | ||
|/banimport <pseudo <nowiki>||</nowiki> ip> <raison> | |/banimport <pseudo <nowiki>||</nowiki>alias <nowiki>||</nowiki> ip> <raison> | ||
|Importer de banned-players.txt un joueur banni | |Importer de banned-players.txt un joueur banni | ||
|bm.command.import | |bm.command.import |
Version du 10 mars 2015 à 07:17
Ban Management | ||||
![]() | ||||
Plugin | ||||
Catégorie | Modération [edit] | |||
Développeur(s) | confuserr | |||
Bukkit | ban-management | |||
Nefald | ||||
Status | installé [edit] | |||
Grade requis | Officier | |||
Article | ||||
Dernière révision | 10/03/2015 |

Ban Management est le plugin qui gère sur Nefald les bannissements, kick, etc. Tout aussi efficace que MCBans, BM est quand à lui en local et utilise MySQL, ce qui permet d'avoir une banlist php ou de partager sa base de données. Mais aussi d'avoir plusieurs serveurs. Un régal.
Commandes et permissions
commande | description | permission |
/ban <pseudo> <raison> | Bannir un joueur | bm.command.ban |
/tempban <pseudo> <temps> <raison> | Bannir temporairement un joueur | bm.command.tempban |
/unban <pseudo> | Débannir un joueur | bm.command.unban |
/bminfo <pseudo> | Obtenir des informations à propos d'un joueur | bm.command.bminfo.ipstats |
/bminfo <pseudo> | Obtenir des informations à propos d'un joueur, dont les stats | bm.command.bminfo.playertstats |
/bminfo <pseudo> | Obtenir des informations à propos d'un joueur, dont les connexions | bm.command.bminfo.connection |
/alts <pseudo> | Obtenir des informations à propos d'un joueur, dont les pseudonymes/comptes alternatifs | bm.command.bminfo.alts |
/banip <pseudo || IP> <raison> | Bannir une IP et son pseudo | bm.command.banip |
/tempbanip <pseudo || IP> <temps> <raison> | Bannir temporairement une IP | bm.command.tempbanip |
/unbanip <ip> | Débannir une IP | bm.command.unbanip |
/banimport <pseudo ||alias || ip> <raison> | Importer de banned-players.txt un joueur banni | bm.command.import |
/kick <pseudo> <raison (optionnel)> | Kicker un joueur | bm.command.kick |
/nlkick <pseudo> <raison (optionnel)> | Kicker un joueur (si kickloging est activé) | bm.command.kick |
/mute <pseudo> <raison> | Mute un joueur | bm.command.mute |
/tempmute <pseudo> <temps> <raison> | Mute temporairement un joueur | bm.command.tempmute |
/unmute <pseudo> | Unmute un joueur | bm.command.unmute |
/warn <pseudo> <raison> | Mettre un warn à un joueur | bm.command.warn |
/bmreload | Recharger la configuration | bm.command.reload |
Autres permissions
permission | variable | description |
bm.exempt.(*) | (*) kick / ban / tempban / mute / tempmute / banip | Permet de ne pas être soumis à l'action indiquée |
bm.timelimit.bans.bypass | Permet le bypass de la limitation de durée du ban temporaire | |
bm.timelimit.mutes.bypass | Permet le bypass de la limitation de durée du mute temporaire | |
bm.command.notify | Permet d'être notifié lorsqu'un joueur est banni, kick, etc. | |
bm.notify.duplicateips | Permet d'être notifié lorsqu'un joueur possède la même IP qu'un joueur banni. | |
bm.command.tempbanoffline | Permet de bannir temporairement quelqu'un qui serait hors-ligne | |
bm.command.banoffline | Permet de bannir quelqu'un qui serait hors-ligne |
# Default configuration file for James' BanManagement Plugin
host: 'localhost'
port: 3306
database: 'frostcast'
username: 'root'
password: ''
bansTable: 'mb_bans'
bansRecordTable: 'mb_ban_records'
ipBansTable: 'mb_ip_bans'
ipBansRecordTable: 'mb_ip_records'
kicksTable: 'mb_kicks'
mutesTable: 'mb_mutes'
mutesRecordTable: 'mb_mutes_records'
playerIpsTable: 'mb_player_ips'
warningsTable: 'mb_warnings'
banAppealsTable: 'mb_ban_appeals'
pinsTable: 'mb_pins'
staffTable: 'mb_staff'
# Enable for foreign characters
useUTF8: false
# Enable to log player IPs to allow for offline player ip banning and ip duplicate check of banned players on player join
logIPs: true
# Only fill in if you are syncing bans across servers
serverName: ''
checkForUpdates: true
logKicks: false
# Keep records for number of days, use 0 to never delete
kicks: 30
banRecords: 0
ipBanRecords: 0
muteRecords: 0
playerIPs: 30
warnings: 0
# Scheduler intervals in seconds, recommended to leave as default values.
# Only change if you know what you are doing!
expiresCheck: 300
bukkitUnban: 3
newMutes: 8
newBans: 8
newIPBans: 8
# Blacklist commands for muted players
- msg
# Leave false, this is for Tekkit Classic servers
useSyncChat: false
# Simply give the permission bm.timelimit.mutes.X or bm.timelimit.bans.X to apply the time limits
# replace X with the group defined here, can be anything you like.
Moderator: 1h
Moderator: 1d
# If set to true, allows you to use partial player names in commands for online players
# If set to false, you must specify the entire name of the player
use-partial-names: true
# Bans the players and IP's within banned-players.txt & banned-ips.txt
# Only set this to false if you have a very stable MySQL connection
# If the database fails whilst this is false, banned players can join.
bukkit-ban: true
ban: '[name] has been banned for [reason]'
banKick: 'You have been banned for [reason]'
tempBan: '[name] has been banned for [expires] for [reason] by [by]'
tempBanKick: 'You have been temporarily banned for [reason]'
ipBan: '&c[ip] has been banned for [reason]'
ipTempBan: '[ip] has been temporarily banned for [reason] by [by]'
ipBanKick: 'Your IP has been banned for [reason]'
kicked: '[name] has been kicked by [by] for [reason]'
kickedNo: '[name] has been kicked by [by]'
kickReason: 'You have been kicked for [reason]'
kickNoReason: 'You have been kicked'
disconnectBan: 'You have been banned from this server for [reason]'
disconnectTempBan: 'Your ban expires in [expires] Reason: [reason]'
disconnectIpBan: 'Your IP has been banned from this server for [reason]'
disconnectTempIpBan: 'Your ban expires in [expires] Reason: [reason]'
mute: '[name] has been muted for [reason] by [by]'
muted: 'You have been permanently muted for [reason] by [by]'
tempMute: '[name] has been muted for [reason] by [by] which expires in [expires]'
tempMuted: 'You have been temporarily muted for [reason] by [by] which expires in [expires]'
commandPermissionError: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command'
banSelfError: '&cYou can''t ban yourself fool!'
banExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to ban this player'
alreadyBannedError: '&c[name] is already banned'
playerBanned: '[name] has been banned'
multiplePlayersFoundError: '&cmultiple players found, please be more specific'
importInProgressError: '&cAn import is already in progress'
beginingPlayerImport: '&6Beginning banned player import'
scanningDatabase: '&6'
scanPlayersFound: '&6Players found: [found]'
noPlayersImport: '&cNo players need importing, yay less work for me!'
percentagePlayersImported: '&6[percent]% of players imported'
playerImportComplete: '&6Player import complete!'
beginingIpImport: '&6Beginning banned ip import'
scanIpsFound: '&6Players found: [found]'
noIpsImport: '&cNo IPs need importing, yay less work for me!'
percentageIPsImported: '&6[percent]% of IPs imported'
ipImportComplete: '&6IP import complete!'
bmInfo: '&cName: &6[name]\n&cCurrent Ban: [currentBan]\n&cPrevious Bans: [previousBans]\n&cCurrent Mute: [currentMute]\n&cPrevious Mutes: [previousMutes]\n&cWarnings: [warningsCount]'
ipBanned: '[ip] has been banned'
ipTempBanned: '[ip] has been banned temporarily'
ipSelfError: '&cYou can''t ip ban yourself fool!'
ipPlayerOfflineError: '&c[name] is offline, unable to retrieve IP'
ipTempBanKick: 'You have been temporarily banned for [reason]'
kickSelfError: '&cYou can''t kick yourself fool!'
kickExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to kick this player'
playerKicked: '[name] has been kicked'
playerNotOnline: '&cPlayer not found, are they online?'
muteSelfError: '&cYou can''t mute yourself fool!'
muteExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to mute this player'
alreadyMutedError: '&c[name] is already muted'
playerMuted: '[name] has been muted'
illegalDateError: '&cIllegal Date Format'
playerTempBanned: '[name] has been temporarily banned'
playerTempMuted: '[name] has been temporarily muted'
unbanError: '&cYou can''t unban someone who isn''t banned!'
playerUnbanned: '[name] has been unbanned'
ipUnbanned: '[ip] has been unbanned'
ipNotBannedError: '&c[ip] is not currently banned. You can''t unban someone who isn''t banned!'
invalidIp: '&cInvalid IP!'
invalidPlayer: '&cInvalid Player!'
playerUnmuted: '[name] has been unmuted'
playerNotMutedError: '&cYou can''t unmute someone who isn''t muted!'
updateAvailable: '&A[version] update available'
banTimeLimitError: '&cYou cannot ban for that length of time'
muteTimeLimitError: '&cYou cannot mute for that length of time'
warnSelfError: '&cYou can''t warn yourself fool!'
warnExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to warn this player'
playerWarned: '[name] has been warned'
warned: '&cYou have been warned by [by] for the following:\n[reason]'
duplicateIP: '&cWarning: [player] has the same IP as the following banned players:\n&6[players]'
consoleName: 'Console'
timeNow: 'now'
timeYear: 'year'
timeYears: 'years'
timeMonth: 'month'
timeMonths: 'months'
timeDay: 'day'
timeDays: 'days'
timeHour: 'hour'
timeHours: 'hours'
timeMinute: 'minute'
timeMinutes: 'minutes'
timeSecond: 'second'
timeSeconds: 'seconds'