« AntiCheat Plus » : différence entre les versions

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Anticheat et le plugin utilisé par Nefald pour se protéger des cheaters.
Anticheat et le plugin utilisé par Nefald pour se protéger des cheaters.

<youtube v="1Gy4M-4oHm4" />

== Commandes et permissions ==
== Commandes et permissions ==

Version du 9 février 2013 à 23:22

AntiCheat Plus
AntiCheat Plus
Catégorie AntiCheat [edit]
Développeur(s) Zero_Gravity
Bukkit anticheat
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis maraud
Dernière révision 9/02/2013

Anticheat et le plugin utilisé par Nefald pour se protéger des cheaters.

<youtube v="1Gy4M-4oHm4" />

Commandes et permissions

anticheat.admin (all commands, receive alerts, check xray stats, forgive/reset players, check updates, view reports, reload system, spy on players) anticheat.mod (recieve alerts, check xray stats, view reports, spy on players)

anticheat.system.alert - receive alerts when player levels increase anticheat.system.log - change logging settings anticheat.system.xray - view xray stats anticheat.system.reset - reset player levels and xray stats anticheat.system.help - view help message anticheat.system.update - view version status and available updates anticheat.system.report - view player reports anticheat.system.reload - reload the configuration anticheat.system.spy - spy on a player

Par cheat

anticheat.check.zombe.fly - Allow players to use zombe flymod anticheat.check.zombe.cheat - Allow players to use zombe cheat hack anticheat.check.zombe.noclip - Allow players to use zombe noclip hack anticheat.check.itemspam - Allow players to use inventory drop spam hacks anticheat.check.spam - Allow players to spam the server anticheat.check.waterwalk - Allow players to walk on water anticheat.check.sneak - Allow players to use auto-sneak anticheat.check.fly - Allow players to fly anticheat.check.sprint - Allow players to sprint when hungry anticheat.check.speed - Allow players to go very fast anticheat.check.spider - Allow players to climb non-climbable surfaces anticheat.check.nofall - Allow players to avoid fall damage anticheat.check.longreach - Allow players to use longreaching hacks anticheat.check.noswing - Allow players to not ever swing their arm anticheat.check.fastplace - Allow players to build instantly anticheat.check.fastbreak - Allow players to quickly break blocks anticheat.check.fasteat - Allow players to eat food instantly anticheat.check.fastheal - Allow players to heal up instantly anticheat.check.forcefield - Allow players to use a forcefield anticheat.check.xray - Allow players to bypass xray stats anticheat.check.longreach - Allow players to bypass longreach anticheat.check.projectile: - Allow players to use projectile hacks anticheat.check.visual - Allow players to hit entities not in their sight anticheat.check.vclip - Allow players to clip through objects anticheat.check.fastinventory - Allow players to use inventory quickly anticheat.check.autotool - Allow players to use autotool check

anticheat.check.exempt - Allow a player to bypass any check.