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Catégorie Gestion des Mondes [edit]
Développeur(s) ferrybig
Bukkit multiworld-v-2-0
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis citoyen
Dernière révision 19/09/2013


commande description
world commands
/listgens list the supported world gens
/mw create <world name> [gen] [seed]
/mw delete <wold name> removes an world
/mw load <world> loads an world
/mw unload <world> unloads a world, does not work whit default worlds
/mw info [world] List some information about a world, like seed and generator used.
/mw list list all the worlds loaded on the server, an give them colours based on the environment.
portal control commands
/mw link <world1> <world2> links al nether portal;ls from world 1 to world 2
/mw link-end <world1> <world2> links al end portal;ls from world 1 to world 2
world option commands
/mw flags list the possible flags to use
/mw setflag <world> <flagname> <value> sets a flag on a world
/mw getflag <world> <flagname> gets a flag from a world, tip use * to get al the world flags
teleportation commands
/mw goto <world nanme> go to that world - alias "/goto <world>"
/mw move <player> <world> Moves a player to an world
spawn commands
/mw spawn teleports to spawn
/mw setspawn sets the spawn of a world, because the initial spawn point is not always good
plugin commands
/mw save saves the plugin data
/mw reload reload the plugin data
Utility commands
/mw debug shows some debugging info