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Catégorie Chat [edit]
Développeur(s) MooseElkingtons
Bukkit mutinynirc
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis Intendant
Dernière révision 9/05/2014

MutinyIRC est un plugin sensationnel et léger permettant de relayer sur IRC le chat de notre serveur de jeu. Rendez-vous sur notre IRC ou

Commandes et permissions

commande description permission
/voice <user> Voicer un joueur mutinyirc.cmd.voice
/devoice <user> Devoicer un joueur mutinyirc.cmd.devoice
irckick <user> [raison] Kicker de l'irc un joueur mutinyirc.cmd.kick
/ircban <user> [raison] Bannir de l'irc un joueur mutinyirc.cmd.ban
Permet de covertir la couleur dans l'irc mutinyirc.color
/ircreload Reload de la config mutinyirc.reload




Du jeu vers l'IRC

Variable Description Utilisation
%action% The action message from /me Special: me
%dname% Display name of player. Global
%ftag% Displays player's faction tag, or an empty string if player is not in a faction. Global. Requires Factions.
%gprefix% Displays the primary group prefix of the player. Global. Requires Vault.
%group% Displays the primary group of the player. Global. Requires Vault.
%gsuffix% Displays the primary group suffix of the player. Global. Requires Vault.
%name% Minecraft Username of player. Global
%nf% Name format set as game_to_irc.name_format. Global
%mgname% The MChat Group Name for player. Global. Requires MChat.
%mgroup% The MChat group the player is in. Global. Requires MChat.
%mname% The MChat Alias for player. Global. Requires MChat.
%msg% The game message. Special: msg
%prefix% The player prefix. Global. Requires Vault.
%suffix% The player suffix. Global. Requires Vault.
%world% The world the player is in. Global

De l'IRC vers le jeu

Variable Description Utilisation
%user% Typically the subject of event. Global
%channel% The IRC channel the event happened in. Global
%kicker% The user who kicked. Special: Kick
%oldnick% The old nick of the user who changed their name Special: nick
%newnick% The new nick of the user who changed their name Special: nick
%action% The action/me message. Special: me
%msg% The IRC message. Special: msg