Hawkeye Reloaded/Interface Web

De Nefald Wiki
Version datée du 13 février 2014 à 12:36 par Hiob (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Rédaction en cours}} Here is a simple tutorial i made! Please feel free to ask questions if you do not understand something! Please note, The web-Interface has been up... »)
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Rédaction en cours

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Here is a simple tutorial i made! Please feel free to ask questions if you do not understand something!

Please note, The web-Interface has been updated and will only function on HawkEye Reloaded builds 1.5+.

  • before attempting to download the interface you *MUST* check your php version. If it is not 5.3+ hawkeye interface will not function!
Simply use
php -v

To check your installed php version!

  • Drop the contents under either:

/var/www/html/(your folder name)

or for webservers:

/public_html/(your folder name)

  • Edit config.php to fit your mysql!
//Do not change 'dbTable'
"dbHost"  => "123.123.123:3306",
"dbDbase" => "minecraft",
"dbUser"  => "root",
"dbPass"  => "mypassword",
"dbTable" => "hawkeye",
"dbPlayerTable" => "hawk_players",
"dbWorldTable" => "hawk_worlds",
  • Navigate to:


  • enjoy!

please note! We changed a few things, the actual interface may look different then this