Ban Management
Ban Management | ||||
![]() | ||||
Plugin | ||||
Catégorie | Modération [edit] | |||
Développeur(s) | confuserr | |||
Bukkit | ban-management | |||
Nefald | ||||
Status | installé [edit] | |||
Grade requis | Officier | |||
Article | ||||
Dernière révision | 5/12/2015 |

Ban Management est le plugin qui gère sur Nefald les bannissements, kick, etc. Tout aussi efficace que MCBans, BM est quand à lui en local et utilise MySQL, ce qui permet d'avoir une banlist php ou de partager sa base de données. Mais aussi d'avoir plusieurs serveurs. Un régal.
Commandes et permissions
- Traduit depuis la documentation originelle
Commande | Description | Flag(s) | Permission |
/ban <pseudo> <raison> | Bannir un joueur | -s | bm.command.ban |
/tempban <pseudo> <temps> <raison> | Bannir temporairement un joueur | -s | bm.command.tempban |
/unban <pseudo> | Débannir un joueur | -s | bm.command.unban |
/mute <pseudo> <raison> | Mute un joueur | bm.command.mute | |
/tempmute <pseudo> <temps> <raison> | Mute temporairement un joueur | -s | bm.command.tempmute |
/unmute <pseudo> | Unmute un joueur | bm.command.unmute | |
/banip <pseudo || IP> <raison> | Bannir une IP et son pseudo | -s | bm.command.banip |
/tempbanip <pseudo || IP> <temps> <raison> | Bannir temporairement une IP | -s | bm.command.tempbanip |
/unbanip <ip> | Débannir une IP | -s | bm.command.unbanip |
/baniprange <cidr || wildcard> <raison> | Bannir définitivement un cidr ou une wildcard d'une plage d'IPs ex.: ou 192.168.*.*
-s | bm.command.baniprange |
/tempbaniprange <cidr || wildcard> <temps> <raison> | Bannir temporairement un cidr ou une wildcard d'une plage d'IPs | -s | bm.command.tempbaniprange |
/unbaniprange <cidr ||/ wildcard || player> | Unban une plage d'IPs | bm.command.unbaniprange | |
/warn <pseudo> <raison> | Mettre un warn à un joueur | -s | bm.command.warn |
/dwarn <pseudo> | Supprimer le dernier warn enregistré d'un joueur | -s | bm.command.dwarn |
/addnote <joueur> <message> | Ajouter une note concernant un joueur | -s | bm.command.addnote |
/notes <joueur> | Voir les notes concernant tous les joueurs en ligne ou d'un joueur en particulier | bm.command.notes
| |
/kick <pseudo> <raison (optionnel)> | Kicker un joueur | bm.command.kick | |
/nlkick <pseudo> <raison (optionnel)> | Kicker un joueur (si kickloging est activé) | bm.command.kick | |
/bminfo <pseudo> | Obtenir des informations à propos d'un joueur | -bans, -kicks, -mutes, -notes, -time, -warns | bm.command.bminfo.ipstats |
/bmimport <pseudo ||alias || ip> <raison> | Importer de banned-players.txt un joueur banni | bm.command.import | |
/bmexport <pseudo ||alias || ip> <raison> | Exporter de banned-players.txt un joueur banni | bm.command.export | |
/bmreload | Recharger la configuration | bm.command.reload | |
/bmsync <local || external> | Forcer le serveur à se synchroniser avec la base de données | bm.command.sync | |
/bmclear <joueur> <banrecords || kicks || muterecords || notes || warnings> | Supprimer toutes les données concernant un joueur | bm.command.clear | |
/bmdelete <banrecords || kicks || muterecords || notes || warnings> <ids> | Supprimer un enregistrement défini de la base de donnée, concernant un joueur selon l'ID (/bminfo) | bm.command.delete | |
/bmactivity <temps> <pseudo> | Voir les activités récentes concernant un staff ou un joueur | bm.command.activity | |
/alts <pseudo> | Obtenir des informations à propos d'un joueur, dont les pseudonymes/comptes alternatifs | bm.command.bminfo.alts |
Option (Flag) | Alias | Description | Permission | Exemple |
-silent | -s | Exécuter la commande silencieusement, sans broadcast | bm.command.<commande>.silent ex.: bm.command.tempban.silent |
/ban -s confuser Test |
-bans | -b | Lister les bans connus d'un joueur avec /bminfo | bm.command.bminfo.history.bans
/bminfo confuser -b |
-kicks | -w | Lister les kicks connus d'un joueur via /bminfo | bm.command.bminfo.history.kicks
/bminfo confuser -k |
-mutes | -m | Lister les mutes connus d'un joueur via /bminfo | bm.command.bminfo.history.mutes
/bminfo confuser -m |
-notes | -n | Lister les notes connus d'un joueur via /bminfo | bm.command.bminfo.history.notes
/bminfo confuser -n |
-warns | -w | Lister les warns connus d'un joueur via /bminfo | bm.command.bminfo.history.warnings
/bminfo confuser -w |
-time | -t | Limiter les données affichées dans le temps | /bminfo confuser -t 23w |
Permissions détaillées
Permission | Description {en} |
bm.command.ban | Allows a player to permanently ban someone |
bm.command.ban.offline | Required to permanently ban an offline player |
bm.command.ban.override | Allows overriding an existing ban |
bm.command.tempban | Allows a player to tempban someone |
bm.command.tempban.offline | Required to temporary ban an offline player |
bm.command.tempban.override | Allows overriding of an existing ban |
bm.command.unban | Allows a player to unban someone |
bm.command.unban.own | Allows a player to only unban a player they banned |
bm.command.warn | Allows you to warn a player |
bm.command.warn.offline | Allows you to warn an offline player who will be shown the message when they next join |
bm.command.sync | Allows you to forcefully sync database changes |
bm.command.baniprange | Allows you to permanently ban an ip range |
bm.command.tempbaniprange | Allows you to temporary ban an ip range |
bm.command.unbaniprange | Allows you to unban an ip range |
bm.command.banlist | Allows you to see active punishments stored in memory |
bm.command.banlist.players | Allows you to see active player bans stored in memory |
bm.command.banlist.ips | Allows you to see active ip bans stored in memory |
bm.command.banlist.ipranges | Allows you to see active ip range bans stored in memory |
bm.command.bmactivity | Allows you to see recent punishment activity |
bm.command.clear | Allows clearing of a players records |
bm.command.clear.banrecords | Allows clearing of a player's ban records |
bm.command.clear.kicks | Allows clearing of a player's kick records |
bm.command.clear.muterecords | Allows clearing of a player's mute records |
bm.command.clear.notes | Allows clearing of a player's notes |
bm.command.clear.warnings | Allows clearing of a player's warnings |
bm.command.addnote | Allows adding a note to a player |
bm.command.notes | Allows viewing all notes of a player | | Allows viewing all notes of players currently online |
bm.command.bminfo | Allows use of /bminfo which shows your current ban info |
bm.command.bminfo.playerstats | Allows seeing player statistics, amount of bans, mutes etc |
bm.command.bminfo.connection | Allows seeing player's logged ip address |
bm.command.bminfo.ipstats | Allows seeing ip statistics such as amount of bans |
bm.command.bminfo.alts | Allows seeing possible alts, same output as /alts | | Displays link to players ban page, requires configuring within messages.yml |
bm.command.bminfo.others | Allows viewing other players information |
bm.command.banip | Allows you to ban an ip |
bm.command.banip.override | Allows overriding an existing ip ban |
bm.command.tempbanip | Allows you to tempban an ip |
bm.command.tempbanip.override | Allows overriding an existing ip ban |
bm.command.unbanip | Allows you to unban an ip |
bm.command.import | Allows importing of banned players and ips from banned-players.json and banned-ips.json files |
bm.command.kick | Allows you to kick another player |
bm.command.nlkick | Allows you to kick another player without logging it |
bm.command.mute | Allows you to mute a player |
bm.command.mute.offline | Required to permanently mute an offline player |
bm.command.mute.override | Allows you to override an existing mute |
bm.command.tempmute | Allows you to temp mute a player |
bm.command.tempmute.offline | Required to temporary mute an offline player |
bm.command.tempmute.override | Allows you to override an existing mute |
bm.command.unmute | Allows you to unmute a player |
bm.command.unmute.own | Allows a player to only unmute a player they muted |
bm.command.reload | Allows you to reload from the config |
bm.exempt.kick | Online players with this permission cannot be kicked, highly recommended for admins |
bm.exempt.ban | Online players with this permission cannot be banned, highly recommended for admins |
bm.exempt.ban.override | Allows a player to ban an exempt player |
bm.exempt.tempban | Online players with this permission cannot be temporarily banned,highly recommended for admins |
bm.exempt.tempban.override | Allows a player to tempban an exempt player |
bm.exempt.mute | Online players with this permission cannot be muted, highly recommended for admins |
bm.exempt.mute.override | Allows a player to mute an exempt player |
bm.exempt.tempmute | Online players with this permission cannot be temporarily muted, highly recommended for admins |
bm.exempt.tempmute.override | Allows a player to tempmute an exempt player |
bm.exempt.banip | Online players with this permission cannot be ip banned, highly recommended for admins |
bm.exempt.banip.override | Allows a player to ip ban an exempt player |
bm.exempt.tempbanip | Online players with this permission cannot be temporarily banned, highly recommended for admins |
bm.exempt.tempbanip | Allows a player to ip ban an exempt player |
bm.notify.ban | Notified when a player is permanently banned |
bm.notify.tempban | Notified when a player is temporarily banned |
bm.notify.unban | Notified when a player is unbanned |
bm.notify.banip | Notified when an ip is permanently banned |
bm.notify.tempbanip | Notified when an ip is temporarily banned |
bm.notify.unipban | Notified when an ip is unbanned |
bm.notify.mute | Notified when a player is permanently muted |
bm.notify.tempmute | Notified when a player is temporarily muted |
bm.notify.unmute | Notified when a player is unmuted |
bm.notify.baniprange | Notified when an ip range is permanently banned |
bm.notify.tempbaniprange | Notified when an ip range is temporarily banned |
bm.notify.unbaniprange | Notified when an ip range is unbanned |
bm.notify.kick | Notified when a player is kicked |
bm.notify.warn | Notified when a player is warned |
bm.notify.duplicateips | Notified when a player with the same ip address of a banned player joins |
bm.notify.notes | Notified when a note is created for a player |
bm.notify.notes.join | Displays all notes associated with a player who joined the server |
bm.notify.denied.player | Notified when a banned player attempts to join |
bm.notify.denied.ip | Notified when a player attempts to join from a banned ip address |
bm.timelimit.bans.bypass | Allows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary ban lengths |
bm.timelimit.mutes.bypass | Allows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary mute lengths |
# Default configuration file for James' BanManagement Plugin
host: 'localhost'
port: 3306
database: 'frostcast'
username: 'root'
password: ''
bansTable: 'mb_bans'
bansRecordTable: 'mb_ban_records'
ipBansTable: 'mb_ip_bans'
ipBansRecordTable: 'mb_ip_records'
kicksTable: 'mb_kicks'
mutesTable: 'mb_mutes'
mutesRecordTable: 'mb_mutes_records'
playerIpsTable: 'mb_player_ips'
warningsTable: 'mb_warnings'
banAppealsTable: 'mb_ban_appeals'
pinsTable: 'mb_pins'
staffTable: 'mb_staff'
# Enable for foreign characters
useUTF8: false
# Enable to log player IPs to allow for offline player ip banning and ip duplicate check of banned players on player join
logIPs: true
# Only fill in if you are syncing bans across servers
serverName: ''
checkForUpdates: true
logKicks: false
# Keep records for number of days, use 0 to never delete
kicks: 30
banRecords: 0
ipBanRecords: 0
muteRecords: 0
playerIPs: 30
warnings: 0
# Scheduler intervals in seconds, recommended to leave as default values.
# Only change if you know what you are doing!
expiresCheck: 300
bukkitUnban: 3
newMutes: 8
newBans: 8
newIPBans: 8
# Blacklist commands for muted players
- msg
# Leave false, this is for Tekkit Classic servers
useSyncChat: false
# Simply give the permission bm.timelimit.mutes.X or bm.timelimit.bans.X to apply the time limits
# replace X with the group defined here, can be anything you like.
Moderator: 1h
Moderator: 1d
# If set to true, allows you to use partial player names in commands for online players
# If set to false, you must specify the entire name of the player
use-partial-names: true
# Bans the players and IP's within banned-players.txt & banned-ips.txt
# Only set this to false if you have a very stable MySQL connection
# If the database fails whilst this is false, banned players can join.
bukkit-ban: true
ban: '[name] has been banned for [reason]'
banKick: 'You have been banned for [reason]'
tempBan: '[name] has been banned for [expires] for [reason] by [by]'
tempBanKick: 'You have been temporarily banned for [reason]'
ipBan: '&c[ip] has been banned for [reason]'
ipTempBan: '[ip] has been temporarily banned for [reason] by [by]'
ipBanKick: 'Your IP has been banned for [reason]'
kicked: '[name] has been kicked by [by] for [reason]'
kickedNo: '[name] has been kicked by [by]'
kickReason: 'You have been kicked for [reason]'
kickNoReason: 'You have been kicked'
disconnectBan: 'You have been banned from this server for [reason]'
disconnectTempBan: 'Your ban expires in [expires] Reason: [reason]'
disconnectIpBan: 'Your IP has been banned from this server for [reason]'
disconnectTempIpBan: 'Your ban expires in [expires] Reason: [reason]'
mute: '[name] has been muted for [reason] by [by]'
muted: 'You have been permanently muted for [reason] by [by]'
tempMute: '[name] has been muted for [reason] by [by] which expires in [expires]'
tempMuted: 'You have been temporarily muted for [reason] by [by] which expires in [expires]'
commandPermissionError: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command'
banSelfError: '&cYou can''t ban yourself fool!'
banExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to ban this player'
alreadyBannedError: '&c[name] is already banned'
playerBanned: '[name] has been banned'
multiplePlayersFoundError: '&cmultiple players found, please be more specific'
importInProgressError: '&cAn import is already in progress'
beginingPlayerImport: '&6Beginning banned player import'
scanningDatabase: '&6'
scanPlayersFound: '&6Players found: [found]'
noPlayersImport: '&cNo players need importing, yay less work for me!'
percentagePlayersImported: '&6[percent]% of players imported'
playerImportComplete: '&6Player import complete!'
beginingIpImport: '&6Beginning banned ip import'
scanIpsFound: '&6Players found: [found]'
noIpsImport: '&cNo IPs need importing, yay less work for me!'
percentageIPsImported: '&6[percent]% of IPs imported'
ipImportComplete: '&6IP import complete!'
bmInfo: '&cName: &6[name]\n&cCurrent Ban: [currentBan]\n&cPrevious Bans: [previousBans]\n&cCurrent Mute: [currentMute]\n&cPrevious Mutes: [previousMutes]\n&cWarnings: [warningsCount]'
ipBanned: '[ip] has been banned'
ipTempBanned: '[ip] has been banned temporarily'
ipSelfError: '&cYou can''t ip ban yourself fool!'
ipPlayerOfflineError: '&c[name] is offline, unable to retrieve IP'
ipTempBanKick: 'You have been temporarily banned for [reason]'
kickSelfError: '&cYou can''t kick yourself fool!'
kickExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to kick this player'
playerKicked: '[name] has been kicked'
playerNotOnline: '&cPlayer not found, are they online?'
muteSelfError: '&cYou can''t mute yourself fool!'
muteExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to mute this player'
alreadyMutedError: '&c[name] is already muted'
playerMuted: '[name] has been muted'
illegalDateError: '&cIllegal Date Format'
playerTempBanned: '[name] has been temporarily banned'
playerTempMuted: '[name] has been temporarily muted'
unbanError: '&cYou can''t unban someone who isn''t banned!'
playerUnbanned: '[name] has been unbanned'
ipUnbanned: '[ip] has been unbanned'
ipNotBannedError: '&c[ip] is not currently banned. You can''t unban someone who isn''t banned!'
invalidIp: '&cInvalid IP!'
invalidPlayer: '&cInvalid Player!'
playerUnmuted: '[name] has been unmuted'
playerNotMutedError: '&cYou can''t unmute someone who isn''t muted!'
updateAvailable: '&A[version] update available'
banTimeLimitError: '&cYou cannot ban for that length of time'
muteTimeLimitError: '&cYou cannot mute for that length of time'
warnSelfError: '&cYou can''t warn yourself fool!'
warnExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to warn this player'
playerWarned: '[name] has been warned'
warned: '&cYou have been warned by [by] for the following:\n[reason]'
duplicateIP: '&cWarning: [player] has the same IP as the following banned players:\n&6[players]'
consoleName: 'Console'
timeNow: 'now'
timeYear: 'year'
timeYears: 'years'
timeMonth: 'month'
timeMonths: 'months'
timeDay: 'day'
timeDays: 'days'
timeHour: 'hour'
timeHours: 'hours'
timeMinute: 'minute'
timeMinutes: 'minutes'
timeSecond: 'second'
timeSeconds: 'seconds'