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Catégorie Plugin Roleplay [edit]
Développeur(s) rmh4209, UltrafaceGuy
Bukkit mythic
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis Scribe
Dernière révision 17/01/2015

Commande Description Permission
/mythicdrops spawn (-a [montant]) (-t [tier]) (-mind [minimum durability] (-maxd [maximumdurability]): Allows you to spawn an amount of items with a specific tier and amount of durability. mythicdrops.command.spawn
/mythicdrops gem [player] (-a [montant]) (-g [gem]): Allows you to give a player an amount of socket gems of a particular kind. mythicdrops.command.gem
/mythicdrops unidentified [player] (-a [montant]): Allows you to give a player an amount of unidentified items. mythicdrops.command.unidentified
/mythicdrops tome [player] (-a [montant]): Allows you to give a player an amount of identity tomes. mythicdrops.command.identitytome
/mythicdrops give [player] (-a [montant]) (-t [tier]) (-mind [minimum durability] (-maxd [maximumdurability]): Allows you to give a player an amount of items with a specific tier and amount of durability. mythicdrops.command.give
/mythicdrops custom [player] (-a [montant]) (-c [item]) (-mind [minimum durability]) (-maxd [maximumdurability]): Allows you to give a player an amount of custom items with a specific range of durability. mythicdrops.command.custom
/mythicdrops customcreate [chancetospawn] [chancetodrop]: Creates a custom item out of the item in your hand with a given chance to spawn and chance to drop. mythicdrops.command.customcreate
/mythicdrops tiers: Lists all of the available tiers on the server. mythicdrops.command.tiers
/mythicdrops modify name [itemname]: Changes the name of the item in your hand.
/mythicdrops modify lore add [minerai]: Adds the lore to the item in your hand.
/mythicdrops modify lore remove [line to remove]: Removes the line of lore at the given index.
/mythicdrops modify lore insert [index] [minerai]: Adds the lore at the given line to the item in your hand.
/mythicdrops modify lore modify [index] [minerai]: Changes the lore at the given index to the given lore.
/mythicdrops modify enchantment add [enchantement] [level]: Adds the given enchantment with the given level.
/mythicdrops modify enchantment remove [enchantement]: Removes the given enchanment from the item.