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Nous avons actuellement 420 articles.



Plugin Grades concernés Description
Essentials /spawn /back /tpa /tpaccept /tpdeny /afk Essentials gère l'ensemble des commandes utilitaires du serveur
  • A number of basic commands such as /time and /teleport
  • Basic features such as message of the day
  • Warps and homes support
  • A simple bans management system
Fichier:Iconomy6 logo.png iConomy 6 /money /pay /money top iConomy 6 est cet incroyable plugin nous permettant d'avoir une économie sur Nefald!
  • là plupart de nos plugins fonctionnent avec lui, tel ShowCaseStandalone
  • gérez vos finances et faites du commerce avec les autres joueurs!
ShowCaseStandalone Mostly complete, lacking API documentation WorldGuard is a toolbox of various functions, useful for multiplayer servers, that lets you:
  • Protect your server from a number of problems.
  • Block fire spread, lava spread, endermen, and more.
  • Flag areas as "no PVP" or "no TNT."
  • Assign ownership to areas so only selected individuals can build.
  • Use a number of useful commands.
Fichier:WorldEdit Icon.png WorldEdit Mostly complete, missing some commands WorldEdit is an easy-to-use in-game world editor for Minecraft, supporting both single player and multiplayer, that lets you:
  • Change thousands of blocks in an area at once.
  • Remove chunks of land as you wish.
  • Sculpt the world and build mountains with brushes.
  • Fix annoyances such as broken water.
Fichier:CommandHelper Icon.png CommandHelper Complete CommandHelper is an alias, macro, and scripting plugin for Minecraft that lets you:
  • Alias commands like /battle to run /warp #battlearena.
  • Write a script to let players message each other while offline.
  • Create an automated battle arena that automatically resets.
  • Write your own /tp, /time, or /warp
  • Do much more, from the simple to the complex, with zero Java code.


Consultez le Guide de l’utilisateur pour plus d’informations sur l’utilisation de ce logiciel.

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