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Catégorie anti xray [edit]
Développeur(s) lishid
Bukkit orebfuscator
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis Intendant
Dernière révision 10/07/2013

Orebfuscator est un plugin prévenant l'utilisation de l'xray en remplaçant les minerais par des blocs de stone. Sur Nefald nous l'utilisons au travers de Spigot.

Commandes et permissions

Deux permissions
  • Orebfuscator.deobfuscate - désactive Orebfuscator ( NoObfuscationForPermission doit être configuré sur true dans la configuration)
  • Orebfuscator.admin - permet d'utiliser les commandes /ofc

commandes description
/ofc engine <1/2>Set engine mode to 1 or 2
/ofc threads Set number of processing threads allowed
/ofc updateradius Set block update radius
/ofc initialradius Set initial obfuscation radius
/ofc proximity [number] Set ProximityHider distance
/ofc <enable/disable> enable/disable ore obfuscation
updatedamage> Change update triggers
updateexplosion> Change update triggers
/ofc <enable/disable> <darknesshide> no light obfuscate
perms> op/permissions
/ofc <enable/disable> proximity ProximityHider
/ofc <enable/disable> exposed Hide Exposed blocks
/ofc <enable/disable> cache chunk caching
/ofc <enable/disable> world <worldname> per world Disable/Enable obfuscation
/ofc clearcache Clear all cache
/ofc reload Reload from config file
/ofc status Show status of Orebfuscator
/chunk [radius] Resend chunks within a certain radius around the player


1 - Replace target blocks with stone.
2 - Replace target blocks with a random block from RandomBlocks.

Radius to search for transparent blocks when the initial chunks are sent.
Default: 1
Recommended: less than 3

This value determines how many blocks within a certain radius will be revealed when a block change.
Triggered when block is hit, destroyed or changed.
Default: 2
Recommended: 2-5

Number of threads used to obfuscate chunks.
Default: NumberOfCores-1
Recommended: anything from 1 to NumberOfCores-1

Number of files open for caching
Default: 64

ProximityHiderDistance: (Currently unused)
Distance used to show blocks hidden by ProximityHider
Default: 8

ProximityHiderID: (Currently unused)
Block ID used for ProximityHider
Default: 0 (air)

ProximityHiderEnd: (Currently unused)
ProximityHider will not affect blocks above this y coordinate
Default: 255

Chance that the AntiTexturePackAndFreecam feature generates an air block
Default: 43

Orebfuscator thread's priority, 0=LOW, 1=NORMAL, 2=HIGH
Default: 0

Threads sent to clients are compressed, 0=No Compression, 1=Minimal Compression, 9=Maximal Compression
Default: 1
Values: 0 - 9

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