
De Nefald Wiki
Version datée du 6 février 2014 à 19:34 par Hiob (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Infobox Plugin| image = RPGAchievements_logo.png | catégorie = Accessoire| dev = diannafire, Linksbro, NavysealFTWOfficial | bukkit = Spectate| grade = Citoyen| status ... »)
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Catégorie Accessoire [edit]
Développeur(s) diannafire, Linksbro, NavysealFTWOfficial
Bukkit Spectate
Status installé [edit]
Grade requis Citoyen
Dernière révision 6/02/2014

Permissions & commandes

commandes description permissions
/titles list shows all titles available on the server
/titles list <pseudo> shows all titles a player has earned
/titles info <titre> shows all the details about the achievement that you have to earn to get that title titles.info
/titles add <titre> <pseudo> earns the achievement for the player associated with the title
/titles new title_name achievement_name description_text true/false creates a new achievement / title for players to earn true = prefix false = suffix titles.new
/titles reload reloads the config file
/titles set <titre> sets the title as your shown title. if the title is a prefix it will go before your name, a suffix will go after. you can have both a prefix and suffix active at the same time. titles.set
/titles set none clears your active titles titles.set