DragonTravel | ||||
![]() | ||||
Plugin | ||||
Catégorie | Transport [edit] | |||
Développeur(s) | Phiwa, XemsDoom | |||
Bukkit | dragontravel | |||
Nefald | ||||
Status | non-installé [edit] | |||
Grade requis | Maraud | |||
Article | ||||
Dernière révision | 10/02/2016 |
DragonTravel permet à nos marauds de rejoindre Nefald à dos de dragon! Bientôt, d'autres destinations seront ouvertes, grâce à ce fabuleux moyen de transport.
- Son utilisation reste simple et ne nécessite pas de manipulation particulière
- face à un dragonport, placez vous sur la glowstone qui au sol
- frappez, les mains vides, le panneau indiquant dragontravel
- vous voilà à dos de dragon en partance pour de lointaines contrées! (ou non)


DragonPort de Nefald.
DragonPort de Nefald.
DragonPort d'Edderkopp.
DragonPort d'Edderkopp.
DragonPort d'Edderkopp.
Pancarte du Dragonport.
Permissions & commandes
Type | commandes | description | permissions |
Destinations | |||
/dt setdest [destination] | Définir une nouvelle destination. | dt.waypoint | |
/dt remdest [destination] | Supprimer une destination. | dt.waypoint | |
/dt destlist | Obtenir la liste de toutes les destinations existantes dans le monde courant. | dt.travel | |
Stations | |||
/dt setstat [station] | Définir une nouvelle station | dt.setstat | |
/dt remstat [station] | Supprimer une station. | dt.remstat | |
/dt statlist | Obtenir la liste de toutes les stations existantes dans le monde courant. | dt.statlist | |
Voyages | |||
/dt travel [destination] | S'envoler vers la destination indiquée. | dt.travel | |
/dt ctravel [x,y,z] | S'envoler vers les coordonnées indiquées. | dt.ctravel | |
/dt ptravel [pseudonyme] | S'envoler vers le joueur indiqué. | dt.ptravel | |
Homes | |||
/dt sethome | Définir le home player à l'endroit où vous vous tenez. | dt.home.set | |
/dt home | Lancer un voyage en direction du home player. | dt.home | |
Plan de vol | |||
/dt createflight [nom de vol] | Créer un nouveau plan de vol avec le nom indiqué. Le mode édition de vol sera activé. | dt.createflight | |
/dt setwp | Définir un nouveau waypoint pour le vol. Au lieu d'exécuter la commande vous pouvez aussi utiliser l'outil aka une boule de neige. | dt.setwp | |
/dt remlastwp | Supprimer le waypoint que vous venez de créer. | dt.remwp | |
/dt saveflight | Sauvegarder le plan de vol et les waypoints dans la base de données. Le mode édition de vol sera désactivé. | dt.saveflight | |
/dt remflight [nom de vol] | Supprimer le plan de vol indiqué. | dt.remflight | |
/dt flight [nom de vol] | Débuter le plan de vol indiqué. | dt.flight | |
/dt flightlist | Obtenir la liste de toutes les plans de vol. | dt.flightlist | |
Divers | |||
/dt ptoggle | Permettre à d'autres joueurs de s'envoler ou non vers vous. | dt.ptoggle | |
/dt statdragon | Créer une station de dragons. | dt.statdragon | |
/dt remdragons | Supprimer tous les dragons à proximité qui ne seraient pas montés par un joueur. | dt.remdragons | |
/dt mount | Monter sur un dragon. | dt.mount | |
/dt stopmusic | Arrêter la musique qui est diffusée via Spout. Utile si la musique ne s'arrête pas. | dt.stopmusic | |
/dt dismount | Descendre de votre dragon en plein vol. | dt.dismount | |
/dt help [1/2] | Aide sur toutes les commandes de DragonTravel. | dt.travel (help 1) / dt.waypoint (help 2) | |
Autres | |||
GUI | Les utilisateurs de spout nécessitent cette permission pour utiliser l'interface. | dt.gui | |
No-Costs | Les utilisateurs nécessitent cette permission pour être exempté de payer les voyages. | dt.nocost | |
No-items | Les utilisateurs nécessitent cette permission pour être exempté d'avoir dans leur inventaire un item spécial pour s'envoler. (Si l'option RequireItemForTravel est défini sur true dans la configuration. ) | dt.notrequireitem |
# Copyright 2011-2013 - XemsDoom/Phiwa DragonTravel Licence GPLv3
# - Do NOT use tabs in this config file.
# - Read the comments carefully when altering values.
# - Have fun.
# Do not touch this option at all(!), it's a check if you are running the latest configuration version
ConfigVersion: 1.7
# -----------------------------
# ------->Economy Stuff<-------
# -----------------------------
# Make players pay for travels
UsePayment: false
# Possible settings 'Economy' or 'Items'
# You must have >Vault< installed to use 'Economy'!
System: 'Items'
# ID of the item you want your players to pay with for travels.
PaymentItem: 1
# This cost is withdrawn when a player executes a command.
# If a player uses a sign, the cost on the sign will be withdrawn.
# Choose the amount of money/items a normal travel costs.
Economy: 5.0
Item: 5
# Choose the amount of money/items a flight costs
Economy: 5.0
Item: 5
# Choose the amount of money/items a coordinates-travel costs
Economy: 10.0
Item: 10
# Choose the amount of money/items a home-travel costs
Economy: 0.0
Item: 0
# Choose the amount of money/items a home-set costs
Economy: 0.0
Item: 0
# Choose the amount of money/items a player-travel costs
Economy: 7.0
Item: 7
# -----------------------------
# ------->Miscellaneous<-------
# -----------------------------
# Choose how high the dragon flys during a travel(not flight)
# The number represents blocks
# Numbers over sky-height are allowed
TravelHeight: 100
# Does a player need to have a special item in hand to use DragonTravel?
RequireItemForTravel: false
# Choose the item a player needs to have in his hands to use DragonTravel.
# Default: 122 (Dragon-Egg which can be obtained by killing the Enderdragon)
# If enabled, players can only mount and travel from stations
UseStation: false
# Should DragonTravel create a marker when a station/destination is created?
UseStatDestMarker: true
# Set the radius of a station
# The number represents blocks
DistancetoStation: 5.0
# Set to true if you want players only be able
# to use signs for destination-travelling
# This option disables the command /dt travel
UseOnlySigns: false
# If set to true, DragonTravel will try to ignore
# protections on areas which try to prevent it from
# spawning a dragon (e.g. WorldGuard- or Factions-regions).
IgnoreAntiMobspawnAreas: true
# Choose which dragon-entites can't destroy blocks
AntiGriefallDragons: false
AntiGriefDragonTravelDragons: true
# Set the dragon's flying-speed
# The number represents the blocks in 1 server tick, 20 ticks = 1 second
# Do not set it above 1.0 or your server will lag like hell and/or crash!
DragonSpeed: 0.5
# Choose the commands which can't be executed while being on a dragon
# Make sure to list all commands which could teleport a player away from the dragon!
# You must only define the first word with the "/", in this list!
- /spawn
- /f
- /kill
- /home
- /tp
# The Random Destination
# When travelling to a destination with this name (Default: _random_) will start a travel
# to a random destination within the borders you can set below.
RandomDest-Name: '_random_'
MinX: -100
MaxX: 100
MinZ: -100
MaxZ: 100
# -----------------------------
# ----->SPOUT FEATURES<------
# -----------------------------
# Music to play when somebody starts a travel
# Enter the URL which goes DIRECTLY to the file
# Use ogg/wav/mp3 files for playing, otherwhise you get errors!
# The default track is made by me(Xems) and can be used for whatever you like
MusicURL: 'http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37237580/DragonTravelDemo.ogg'
MessageOnPlay: true
#Key for opening the GUI, please notice that this is only available for SpoutCraft users!
#A key is for example: "KEY_O" or "KEY_U"
GUIopenKey: 'KEY_L'
#Legit old Dragon:
# (
# )
# ( )
# ) ) ( (
# __..--...___ ( \ )
#'' ``---..__ .--._ ) ),
# . , -``,..__ /. _`=_ ((
# , . `--.._( (e)`a) )
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# , |' |. `\. / | ___ ' > /
# ' |: |:. `: `.__._ `-. O `)
# | | |: - \::. .-' `-. `. /
# | /\ ::. '\:' `\_\/
# | |:. `::...-'--
# : \::\ `:' ________________________________________________
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# ""Y8888888888888P""' `"88888888888888a.
# `88888888888888
# `8888888888
# `8888888'
- Traduction en cours
# Copyright 2012 - XemsDoom/Phiwa DragonTravel Licence GPLv3
# This plugin is open-source, if any code of our work
# is used in your plugin, you must make it open-source
# Do not touch this option at all(!), it's a check if you are running the recent configuration version
MessagesVersion: 0.7
NoPermission: '&cYou dont have the permission to do that!'
SignRemovedSuccessfully: '&aYou successfully removed the destination-sign'
NotAllowedWhileMounted: '&cYou arent allowed to do this while being mounted!'
NotAtAStation: '&cYou are not at a station!'
RemoveDragons1: '&cSuccessfully removed'
RemoveDragons2: '&cdragons'
# Stationary Dragons
CreatedStationaryDragon: '&cCreated stationary dragon'
RemovedStationaryDragon: '&cRemoved stationary dragon'
# Mounting
MountSuccessful: '&aYou successfully mounted your dragon!'
AlreadyMounted: '&cYou are already mounted!'
# Dismounting
DismountNotMounted: '&cYou arent mounted!'
DismountSuccessful: '&aYou successfully dismounted from your dragon.'
# Economy
WithdrawMessage: '&cSay bye to %amount%'
NotEnoughMoney: '&cYou dont have enough money!'
# Help-Menu
Help: 'Type &a/dt help <1/2>&f for a list of commands.'
HelpNoPermission: '&aYou dont have the permission for seeing this help list!'
HelpDTmount: '&a/dt mount&f mounts you onto the dragon.'
HelpDTdismount: '&a/dt dismount&f dismounts you from the dragon.'
HelpDTsethome: '&a/dt sethome&f creates your new travel-home.'
HelpDThome: '&a/dt home&f lets you travel to your travel-home.'
HelpDTstopmusic: '&a/dt stopmusic&f stops the music during the travel.'
HelpFlight: '&a/dt flight <name>&f starts the specific flight.'
HelpCreateFlight: '&a/dt createflight <name>&f creates a new flight.'
HelpRemFlight: '&a/dt remflight <name>&f removes the passed flight.'
HelpSetWP: '&a/dt setwp&f sets a wp at your location.'
HelpRemWP: '&a/dt remlastwp&f removes the last set waypoint.'
HelpTogglePTravel: '&a/dt ptoggle&f allows/disallows ptravel to yourself.'
HelpDTtravel: '&a/dt travel <destination>&f brings you to the given destination.'
HelpDTctravel: '&a/dt ctravel <x> <y> <z>&f brings you to the given coordinates.'
HelpDTptravel: '&a/dt ptravel <playername>&f lets you travel to the given player.'
HelpFlightList: '&a/dt flightlist&f shows you a list with all available flights.'
HelpDTdestlist: '&a/dt destlist&f shows you a list of all destinations.'
HelpDTstatlist: '&a/dt statlist&f shows you a list of all stations.'
HelpDTsetdest: '&a/dt setdest <name>&f sets a destination with the given name.'
HelpDTsetstat: '&a/dt setstat <name>&f sets a station with the given name.'
HelpDTremdest: '&a/dt remdest <name>&f removes the destination with this name.'
HelpDTremstat: '&a/dt remstat <name>&f removes the station with this name.'
HelpDTstatdragon: '&a/dt statdragon&f creates a stationary dragon at your location'
HelpDTremdragons: '&a/dt remdragons&f removes all dragons.'
# Flights
MarkersBreak: '&aYou can only remove markers with /dt remlastwp.'
AlreadyInEditMode: '&cYou are already in edit-mode.'
AvailableFlights: '&aAvailable flights:'
NoFlightsYet: '&cThere are no flights yet.'
StartingFlight: '&aStarting flight.'
SavedFlight: '&aSaved flight successfully.'
RemovedFlight: '&aRemoved flight succesfully.'
FlightAlreadyExists: '&cThis flight already exists, remove it first.'
FlightSignCreated: '&aFlight sign created.'
FlightDoesNotExist: '&cThat flight does not exist!'
YouAreNowInEditMode: '&aYou are now in waypoint edit-mode.'
HelpToMakeWP: '&aRight click with a bowl or /dt setwp to set waypoints.'
HelpToMakeWP2: '&aYou can remove the last set waypoint with /dt remlastwp.'
ExecuteSaveWhenDone: '&aExecute /dt saveflight when you are done.'
YouAreNotInEditMode: '&cYou are not in edit-mode.'
SetWP: '&cCreated waypoint:'
AtleastCreateOneWP: '&cYou must atleast create one waypoint!'
RemovedLastWP: '&aRemoved last waypoint.'
# Travel to Homes
TravelHomeCreated: '&aYour home has been set successfully.'
TravelHomeNotAvailable: '&aYou did not set a home yet.'
TravelHomeInDifferentWorld: '&aYour home is in a different world.'
TravelHomeTravelling: '&aTravelling to your home.'
# Travel to Player
PlayerNotOnline: '&cThis player is not online!'
PlayerDifferentWorld: '&cis in a different world!'
PlayerTravelTo: '&aTravelling to&6'
PlayerToggleOff: '&aTurned ptravel to you off.'
PlayerToggleOn: '&aTurned ptravel to you on.'
PlayerHasPTravelTurnedOff: '&cThe target-player disallows player-travels.'
# Travel to Coordinates
CoordinatesTravelTo: '&aTravelling to coordinates&6'
# Signs
SignCreatingCreated: '&aSuccessfully created the sign.'
SignCreatingSaved: '&aSaved created destination-sign.'
# Stations
StationCreatingAlreadyExists: '&cThere already is a station with that name!'
StationCreatingSuccessful: '&aSuccessfully created station&6'
StationCreatingNameTooLong: '&cThe stations name is too long!'
StationRemovingDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no station with that name!'
StationRemovingSuccessful: '&cSuccessfully removed station&6'
StationTravelDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no station with that name!'
StationShowList: '&aAvailable stations in your current world:&f'
# Destinations
DestinationCreatingAlreadyExists: '&cThere already is a destination with that name!'
DestinationCreatingSuccessful: '&aSuccessfully created destination&6'
DestinationCreatingNameTooLong: '&cThe destinations name is too long!'
DestinationRemovingDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no destination with that name!'
DestinationRemovingSuccessful: '&c Successfully removed destination&6'
DestinationTravelDoesNotExist: '&cThere is no destination with that name!'
DestinationTravelDifferentWorld: '&cThe destination is in a different world!'
DestinationTravelTo: '&aTravelling to&6'
DestinationTravelRandom: '&aTravelling to a random destination.'
DestinationShowList: '&aAvailable destinations in your current world:&f'
# Errors
ErrorInvalidName: '&cEnter a valid name!'
ErrorEnterName: '&cEnter a destination/station name!'
ErrorEnterCoords: '&cEnter coordinates to travel to!'
ErrorEnterPlayername: '&cEnter a playername!'
ErrorNumbersAsCoords: '&cUse numbers as coordinates!'
ErrorCommandDisabled1: '&cThis command is disabled!'
ErrorCommandDisabled2: '&cUse signs to travel to destinations!'
ErrorNoDestinationsAvailable: '&cThere are no destinations available!'
ErrorNoStationsAvailable: '&cThere are no stations available!'
ErrorDestinationNotAvailable: '&cThere is no destination with that name!'
ErrorEconomyNotActivated1: '&cEconomy is not activated, please leave the'
ErrorEconomyNotActivated2: '&cfourth line empty!'
ErrorFourthLineMissing: '&cYou did not write a cost into the fourth line!'
ErrorFourthLineInvalid: '&cThe fourth line has to contain a number as a cost!'
ErrorInvalidMusic: '&cError: Music file for travel is invalid'
ErrorRequiredItemMissing: '&cYou do not have the item your inventory you need to ride a dragon.'