Spigot/Commandes et permissions

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Spigot Commands and Permissions

commande description permissions
/restart bukkit.command.restart Faire un restart du serveur. Pour fonctionner, vous devez avoir défini la propriété "restart-script" (spigot.yml) sur true.
/tps bukkit.command.tps Affiche un TPS très précis (cycles par seconde) de lecture de votre serveur au moment où la commande est exécutée.
/timings on bukkit.commands.timings Active le benchmark timings. Ne nécessite pas de restart.
/timings off bukkit.commands.timings Désactive le benchmark timings. Ne nécessite pas de restart.
/timings paste bukkit.commands.timings Instead of writing to file, all server benchmark timings are pasted to http://paste.ubuntu.com, which can then be viewed in a proper and improved format via http://www.aikar.co/timings.php.

Bukkit Commands and Permissions

commande description permissions
/plugins, /pl bukkit.command.plugins Default: Everybody Gives back a list of all plugins that have been loaded on the server.
/reload bukkit.command.reload Reloads all plugins on your server by stopping and starting them again (can cause unwanted effects with some plugins so consider making use of restart for less trouble).
/version, /about, /ver bukkit.command.version Default: Everybody Answers with the version of Spigot you are currently running on your server.

Minecraft Commands and Permissions

commande description permissions
/ban <player> bukkit.command.ban.ip Prevents the specified player from entering your server.
/ban-ip <ip> bukkit.command.ban.player Prevents the specified ip from entering your server.
/banlist bukkit.command.ban.list Reads all banned players from your banned-players.txt and lists them ingame (only player names are shown here! Banned ips cannot be listed for now).
/clear [player] [itemID] [MetaData] bukkit.command.clear Lists all banned players for you (only player names are shown here! Banned ips cant be listed).
2 | 3 | survival | creative | adventure> bukkit.command.defaultgamemode Sets the default game-mode for all new joining players (gets saved in .\world\players\playername.dat). Keep in mind that all changes made by /defaultgamemode will reset back to the values you have set in your server.properties (gamemode=x) on a server restart.
/deop <player> bukkit.command.op.take Takes away server operator rights from specified player.
easy | normal | hard | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3> bukkit.command.difficulty Sets difficulty level on your server (will get reset back to the value set in your server.properties if you restart your server).
/effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier] bukkit.command.effect Gives the targeted player a specified effect for a specified amount of seconds (default is 30 seconds). The maximal amount of seconds you can apply to an effect command is 1,000,000 while the minimum is 1 and 0 simply cleans existing effects from the targeted player. The amplifier has a value limit of 255, applying something higher than this won't give the desired amplifier. Effect names and ids
/enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [enchantment level] bukkit.command.enchant Enchants the item that a player is currently holding in his/her/its hand to a specified enchantment. Keep in mind that /enchant can only enchant stuff that is usually possible in vanilla Minecraft (so don't try to enchant a sign with knockback or something more silly). Enchantment IDs or EIDs
1 | 2 | survival | creative | adventure> [playername] bukkit.command.gamemode Changes the gamemode of yourself or someone else.
false] bukkit.command.gamerule Gives the ability to change game-rules on your server such as mobGriefing, keepInventory and many more (You can list all rules by doing /gamerule).
/give <player> <item name or ID> [amount [metadata]] bukkit.command.give Gives targeted player a specified amount of an item (Not specifying the amount simply gives that player 1 of that item).
/help bukkit.command.help Default: Everybody Lists all commands and plugins available on your server. Be aware that this command ignores "special" permissions of players so basically everyone can see all commands and plugins without having the permissions to do this. Use something like Essentials to have a permissions based /help command.
/kick <player> bukkit.command.kick Disconnects a player from your server leaving this reason: "Kicked by an Operator". Apparently you can /kick YourSelf also for fun.
/kill bukkit.command.kill Default: Everybody Kill yourself! Sadly you can't kill someone else on the server by doing /kill md_5 for example (you just make suicide).
/list bukkit.command.list Outputs a list of all players that are currently playing on the server.
/me bukkit.command.me Default: Everybody Command that allows players to show their emotions and actions (output ingame: *MyPictures likes music)
/op <player> bukkit.command.op.give Gives operator rights to a specified player.
/pardon <player> bukkit.command.unban.player Unbans specified player from your server.
/pardon-ip <ip> bukkit.command.unban.ip Unbans specified ip from your server.
/save-all bukkit.command.save.perform Writes all pending changes to the disc.
/save-off bukkit.command.save.off Disables auto saving of pending world file changes to the disc.
/save-on bukkit.command.save.on Enables auto saving of worlds again (Default).
/say bukkit.command.say Broadcasts a message in pink color to all players that are currently online on the server.
players | teams> bukkit.command.scoreboard Gives ability to control the scoreboard of Minecraft. Plus d'infos...
/seed bukkit.command.seed Displays the seed of your world. Keep this information secure to prevent cheaters from tracking down ores on your server.
/spawnpoint <player> <x> <y> <z> bukkit.command.spawnpoint Sets the spawn point for that specified player. Remember that this command does not support decimals for the coordinates.
/stop bukkit.command.stop Saves all pending world changes, disables all plugins and stops the server.
/tell <playername> <message> bukkit.command.tell Default: Everybody Allows players to privately talk with each other on the server.
day | night> bukkit.command.time.set Sets the worlds time. "number" is an integer between 0 and 24000. 0 = dawn 6000 = midday 12000 = dusk 18000 = midnight. day sets the time to 0 and night sets it to 12500.
/time <add> <number> bukkit.command.time.add Increments the world time instead of setting it.
/toggledownfall bukkit.command.toggledownfall Turns on or off rain/snow on the current world.
/tp [player] <player>, /tp [player] <x> <y> <z> bukkit.command.teleport Teleports yourself or another player to a specified target such as coordinates or another player.
rain | thunder> [duration in seconds] bukkit.command.weather Changes the weather on the current world . The "duration in seconds" value has to be at least 1 and cannot be higher than 1000000.
/whitelist add bukkit.command.whitelist.add and Adds a player to the whitelist.
/whitelist remove bukkit.command.whitelist.remove and Removes a player from your whitelist
/whitelist list bukkit.command.whitelist.list and Outputs a list of all players that have been written in the white-list.txt
/whitelist on bukkit.command.whitelist.enable and Enables whitelisting on the server which only allows players that are listed in the white-list.txt to join. Keep in mind that operators will always be able to join your server even if they aren't listed in the white-list.txt.
/whitelist off bukkit.command.whitelist.disable and Disables whitelisting on the server which allows everybody to join your server without having to be listed on white-list.txt
/whitelist reload bukkit.command.whitelist.reload and Loads all player names from the white-list.txt again and applies them on the server.
/xp <amount> [player] bukkit.command.xp and Gives the command sender or that specified player xp. Maximum amount is 2,147,483.647 per command and negative values (to remove xp from someone) isn't supported here.
/xp <amount>L [player] bukkit.command.xp and Gives or removes xp from the command sender or that specified player. Maximum amount is 2,147,483.647 while maximum negative value is -2,147,483.647 per command. Going higher than this limit will reset the xp of you or that player to 0.

CommandBlock Commands

commande description permissions
/testfor <playername / selector> CommandBlock ONLY! Allows to check if a player is only and more.