Don't Starve Together/Commandes

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The Command Console is enabled by default. If for whatever reason it is not, you first need to do some tweaking in your settings.ini of your save. This can be found in the "DoNotStarveTogether" folder, located in the following paths :

Windows, Mac: <Documents>\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether\settings.ini

Linux:         ~/.klei/DoNotStarve/settings.ini

Locate the settings.ini and open it with Notepad and where it says [MISC]ENABLECONSOLE = false and rewrite it as [MISC]ENABLECONSOLE = true then save the document.

Then to open the console while in game by pressing "~" by default on English keyboards. This can be changed at any time in the controls menu.


  • You have to re-enter almost every command after loading a world.
  • Lua supports variable numbers of arguments to functions, so if, for example, you only want to spawn one of a prefab, you can leave out the "amount": "c_spawn('beefalo')".
  • If you are not the host (or it is a dedicated server that you are an admin for), most commands need to be run remotely. Pressing ctrl with the console open switches to remote command mode. A few commands (such as revealing the map) are still done locally.

Simple commands

  • Spawn prefab
c_spawn("prefab", #)

Improved DebugSpawn("prefab"), spawns amount of selected "prefab" under the mouse cursor.

  • Give Item
c_give("prefab", amount)

Spawns amount of selected "prefab" in your inventory. Only works with Backpacks and Items that can be stored in the inventory.

  • Scenario (Not tested)

Apply a scenario script to the selection and run it.

  • Health

Sets your health to selected percentage. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%.

  • Sanity

Sets your sanity to selected percentage. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%.

  • Hunger

Sets your hunger to selected percentage. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%.

  • God Mode

It won't drain SanityHunger or Health when attacked anymore. You cannot change your stats with commands while in godmode. To deactivate God Mode use the command again.

  • Set bonus running speed

Standard bonus runspeed is 0. 6 makes you twice as fast and with 20 or more you can easily walk through walls and "over" water.

There's many other commands, but they're hard to use and not very useful.

Player commands

Note: Most of these will not work if you are a client and not an admin sending a remote command (switch to remote mode with ctrl).

  • Action Prediction

Enabled by default, setting it to "false" will exchange rubberbanding for choppiness, but is often helpful for combat. This only does anything if executed by a client, hosts do not have prediction.

  • Creative mode

You can craft everything.

  • Maximum health

Change the Maximum Health of your character

  • Maximum sanity

Change the Maximum Sanity of your character

  • Maximum hunger

Change the Maximum Hunger of your character

  • Pause hunger

Your character won't starve anymore.

  • Werebeaver

Turn Woodie into the Werebeaver.

Other Player Commands

Note: Many of the following commands that are normally applied to your player, such as c_godmode() or c_sethealth(1), can be applied to other players by using c_select(AllPlayers[number]) first. So you will have the need for a playerlist to get the player numbers:

  • List all players with username and player number.
  • Get a certain player

AllPlayers[1] will get ThePlayer if you are the host. Other players should have numbers as shown on the scoreboard (In certain situations, the number may be wrong. You can be more precise by using c_listallplayers() first to see the username and character for each player number.). Most of ThePlayer commands can be used with AllPlayers[number] instead of ThePlayer.

  • Apply a command to all players
for k,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do command end

Replace command with another command, using "v" instead of AllPlayers[number]. For example, "for k,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do c_move(v) end" will move all players to the mouse position.

  • Move another player

Moves the player to the cursor position.

  • Kill a player

Kills the player.

  • Resurrect a player

Resurrects the player.

  • Return a player to character select

Note that this will delete their items, so it is recommended that you kill them first to drop their items.

World commands

  • Teleport to Prefab

After pressing enter, it teleports you to the first numerical instance of the named prefab. If multiple iterations of the prefab exist, a list of the entity numbers will be displayed in the console log, and each subsequent execution of the same command will transport the player from entity to entity in the order they were generated in the world.

  • Delete Item Under Mouse
c_select() c_sel():Remove()

After pressing enter, it deletes the item under your mouse. Use the second command on dedicated servers, the first command will not work.

  • Reveal Map

Note that this is a local command and will work if you are a client.

  • Skip day

Skips the current day. Change the value to skip more days or parts of days (e.g. 16*30*4.5 to skip 4.5 days) WARNING: Too big values may freeze the game. (Depending on computer speed)

  • Skip time*30*x)

Skips the current day. Change x to skip more days or parts of days (e.g. 16*30*4.5 to skip 4.5 days) WARNING: Too big values may freeze the game. (Depending on computer speed)

  • Skip time units and update

Skips X time units and performs the "LongUpdate" function on world objects

Note: There are 30 time units per segment. To skip a whole day one can either use LongUpdate(480) or use multiplicative values such as LongUpdate(X*16*30) or LongUpdate(X*TUNING.TOTAL_DAY_TIME), with X=days to skip.

  • Skip phase

Skips the current phase.

  • Set segments
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setclocksegs", {day=x,dusk=y,night=z})

Sets amount of segments. Errors if x + y + z adds up to over 16. Note that this will get reset the next day.

TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setclocksegs", {day=14,dusk=1,night=1})

Very long day, very short dusk and night (one segment for dusk and one for night)

  • Set season segments
​TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseasonclocksegs", {summer={day=sx,dusk=sy,night=sz}, winter={day=wx,dusk=wy,night=wz}})

Sets amount of segments. Errors if x + y + z adds up to over 16. Unlike setclocksegs, this is permanent.

TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseasonclocksegs", {summer={day=14,dusk=1,night=1}, winter={day=13,dusk=1,night=2}})

Very long day, very short dusk and night (one segment for dusk and one for night), with a slightly longer night in winter.

  • Set season lengths
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseasonlengths", {summer=20, winter=15})

Sets the lengths of the seasons. {summer=20, winter=15} is the default, while {summer=50, winter=10} would be long summer.

  • Start Summer
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "summer")

Start summer

  • Start Winter
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "winter")

Start winter

When the RoG DLC is added, the additional commands will likely be TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "spring")​ and TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "autumn")​

  • Start Rain

Start rain.

  • Stop Rain
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_forceprecipitation", false)

Stop rain.

  • Do Lightning Strike
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_sendlightningstrike", TheInput:GetWorldPosition())

Lightning strike on mouse cursor. Will hit lightning rod instead if there is one near

  • Measure Distance

Prints the distance between player and object under mouse to the console log (displayed with Ctrl + L by default).

Network/Server Commands

  • Kick/Ban a player

Note that this can be accomplished more easily through the scoreboard. The userid can be obtained from the AllPlayers table. Once you've found the number of the player you want to kick (as shown above in the Other Player Commands section), you can use AllPlayers[#].userid. So, for example, with player 2, TheNet:Kick(AllPlayers[2].userid).

  • Connect to a server
c_connect("IP address", port, "password")

If connecting conventionally doesn't work, it is possible to connect directly to an IP address. By default, the port is 10999. If there is no password, you can leave that part out: c_connect("", 10999)

  • Reload the world
c_reset( true / false )

true will save the world before reloading it, false will reload without saving. This command may crash your game if you are a client (unless you send it as a remote command).

  • Regenerate the world

Regenerates specified items in a world.

  • Save the server

Forces the server to save immediately (servers normally autosave whenever night finishes).

  • Shut down the server
c_shutdown( true / false)

true will save the game, false will exit without saving. c_shutdown() is the same as c_shutdown(true).

  • Roll back the server

Rolls back a server by the given number of saves. c_rollback() will roll it back by one, while c_rollback(3) will roll it back three.

  • Enable/Disable new player joining
TheNet:SetAllowIncomingConnections( true / false )

Setting it to true is the default behavior (people can join). Setting it to false prevents anyone from joining.

Miscellaneous Commands

  • Clear the morgue

Clears the morgue. Requires closing and reopening the game for changes to be seen.