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Catégorie Utilitaire [edit]
Développeur(s) buli439
Spigot simpleheads-microblocks-for-1-8.2705
Sources Github
Status non-installé [edit]
Grade requis Staff
Dernière révision 11/09/2019

SimpleHeads est un tout petit plugin permettant de faire spawner une tête avec le skin et le nom d'un joueur mais aussi et surtout d'établir une liste de têtes sur le serveur, par catégorie, accessible au travers d'un GUI. Réservé au staff

Permissions & commandes

commandes description permissions
/head obtenir votre tête simh.ownget
/head <pseudo> obtenir la tête de quelqu'un d'autre simh.get
/ahead check Vérifier la dernière mise à jour de la liste simh.check
/ahead add <nom> <pseudonyme> ahjouter une tête à la liste simh.modify
/ahead remove <nom> retirer une tête de la liste simh.modify


Prefix: '&a[SH]&r '
Ver: 1.1
AutoUpdateList: false
Lang: ang
  'null': 'null'

Liste de têtes

Par défaut Simpleheads propose une liste de têtes organisées accessible au travers du GUI. Selon votre configuration la liste peut être mise à jour automatiquement.

         - Arrow down:MHF_ArrowDown
         - Arrow up:MHF_ArrowUp
         - Arrow Left:MHF_ArrowLeft
         - Arrow Right:MHF_ArrowRight
         - Exclamation1:MHF_Exclamation
         - Question mark1:MHF_Question
         - Question mark2:Agent7Celsius
         - Space rock:speedblader03
         - Lava rock:crolin
         - Sun/Moon:xMKK3L
         - Spiral:bondsmatthew
         - Grid:Chritation
         - Chimney:The_Wither_Boss
         - Mailbox:BigG0628
         - Exclamation2:jona612
         - cube:SquareHD
      Icon: 'MHF_Exclamation'
      Icon: 'Endercreeper7253'
         - Bundle of books:CS001
         - Old pile of books:Erixia
         - Empty aquarium:Asiankid2004
         - Red Knight helmet:COMANDOvrs
         - Golden Knight helmet:KCHAMBER
         - Black dice:azbandit2000
         - Dice:tsharp
         - Rubik cube1:iTactical17
         - Rubik cube2:ZiGmUnDo
         - Rubik cube3:skitscape
         - Blue bowling ball:bman1661
         - Eye1:MrKMJohnson
         - Eye2:PARTY_P01S0N
         - Eye3:crolin
         - Space helmet1:ByVoltz
         - Space helmet2:Dctr_
         - Aquarium:Fish181
         - Aquarium2:Raider_X
         - lava:catus123
         - globe:cskul
         - Bucket:Attacker_99
         - Pokeball:Blopdsand
         - Waterbucket:TagStarDude
         - marioblock:TehSteward
         - marioblock2:fishfrogwill
         - portalcube:Mercury777
   Blocs colorés:
         - white:cy1337
         - Shaded white:DogPray
         - Cream:Majkel987
         - Yellow:jarjenny
         - Orange1:TheRalloTabbs
         - Orange2:wulfric17
         - Pink:123jem
         - Magenta1:dannyb10100
         - Magenta2:diablo3pk
         - Red:drakemaster1
         - Dark red:xINEFFABLEx
         - Purple:reyndrys
         - Darkish blue:ztag100
         - Dark blue:GoldenCharms
         - Bright green:InvaderBen
         - Green:Medaforce
         - Grass green:omz
         - Medium green:sean1346
         - Dark gray:bananasquad
         - Dark Cyan:LucaAzalim
         - brown:c0c0nut
         - gray:bananasquad
      Icon: 'reyndrys'
      Icon: 'blob96'
         - Panda2:iElff
         - Panda:blob96
         - Tiger:LocoRunner
         - Tiger2:TigDra
         - Chinese Dragon:Morhaus
         - Eagle:Ximonic
         - Penguin (1):Haribo98
         - Penguin (2):Patty14
         - Walrus:Walrus
         - Fox:hugge75
         - Owl:Barnyard_Owl
         - Parrot:Luk3011
         - Frog:sjkelly1299
         - Blue whale:tabellowic
         - Cat:EnjoiDung
         - Ape:swmyprod
         - Fish:PirateRy
         - Turkey:turkeybot69
         - Werewolf:SomeWerewolf
         - Polar bear:mabo516
         - Monkey:spiffywaffleman
         - Bear:bear1717
         - Chihuahua:Taureus
      Icon: 'AcE_whatever'
         - Golden clock:backpack9898
         - Clock:Olaf_C
         - Clock2:clock_book
         - massfabricator:aetherX
         - Broken TV1:Cheapshot
         - Broken TV2:sysfailure
         - Broken TV3:nonesuchplace
         - Broken TV4:bjarnovikus
         - Broken TV5:GameNilo
         - Broken TV5:MrMaffoo
         - Off TV:Metroidling
         - Monitor1:Alistor
         - Monitor2:CoderPuppy
         - Monitor3:Laserpanda
         - Computer1:Addelburgh
         - Computer2:Hack
         - Camera1:FHG_Cam
         - Camera2:jorgenskar95
         - Camera3:gocodygo
         - Camera4:3i5g00d
         - Surveillance Camera:QcBlastar
         - Radio:uioz
         - Game Cube1:Eien15
         - Headlight:Toby_The_Coder
         - Microwave:RottenCHEEZBURGR
         - Toster:samstine11
      Icon: 'Crunchy_Taco34'
         - Medieval mug:Fire_Feather
         - Taco1:Crunchy_Taco34
         - Taco2:TacoSauzee
         - Burger1:food
         - Burger2:glorycraft
         - Burger3:simbasbestbud
         - Cookie:QuadratCookie
         - cake:MHF_Cake
         - Popcorn:ZachWarnerHD
         - Can of soup:FlabbenBaggen
         - Potato:CraftPotato13
         - Glass of Cola:Yeah_1234
         - Ice cream sandwich :DutchGuard
         - Pie:Sam27572
         - Cherry Pie:oliver2104
         - Apple1:MHF_Apple
         - Apple2:KylexDavis
         - Coconut:KyleWDM
         - Citron:Aesixx
         - Melon1:MHF_Melon
         - Melon2:PatrickAVG
         - Pumpkin:MHF_Pumpkin
         - Jack o lantern1:Koebasti
         - Happy pumpkin:Lycanthh
         - Cut citrus:BalkondeurAlpha
         - Sugar cane:Sugar_Cane_
         - Cactus:MHF_Cactus
         - Red mushroom:Peace_cloaked
         - Milk:Spinken5840
         - watermelon2:dunkeroni
         - Chocolate:Chazwell777
         - candy:FennoBear
         - tomato:RuthlessTomato
         - pancake:Weed_Pancakes
   Mobs et personnages:
      Icon: 'MHF_Pig'
         - Pig:MHF_Pig
         - Cow:MHF_Cow
         - Chicken:MHF_Chicken
         - Squid:MHF_Squid
         - Sideways squid:Comcastt
         - Ocelot:MHF_Ocelot
         - Orange cat:jarkpzf
         - Mooshroom:MHF_MushroomCow
         - Villager:MHF_Villager
         - Iron golem:MHF_Golem
         - Red eyed wither skeleton:poisonedsoul
         - Blaze:MHF_Blaze
         - Zombie pigman:MHF_PigZombie
         - Ghast:MHF_Ghast
         - Spider:MHF_Spider
         - Cave spider:MHF_CaveSpider
         - Enderman:MHF_Enderman
         - Herobrine:MHF_Herobrine
         - Horse:gavertoso
         - Beheaded steve:tubbydontdiet
         - Decompising head:tha_cat
   Mobs et personnages2:
      Icon: 'Pablo_Penguin'
         - Mossy skull:wallabee
         - Enderman/Wither morph:hopkinstm
         - Angry Wolf:Pablo_Penguin
         - Golden pig:badkyo
         - Golden cow:SmallMuzza
         - Purple cow:badoomtch
         - Golden golem:huskybuddergolem
         - Ghost:SmallTownGal
         - Sheep:MHF_Sheep
         - Pink sheep:Kolish
         - Light gray sheep:WoolDye
         - Yellow sheep:Sheepshaver406
         - Lime sheep:Alphazazoo
         - Cyan sheep:EvilCyanSheep
         - Light blue sheep:Sheeplings
         - Blue sheep:CrazyReader01
         - Black sheep:Plasmic_Sheep
         - Sheep with sunglasses:sheepy345
      Icon: 'pomi44'
         - Netherrack:Numba_one_Stunna
         - Soulsand:Njham
         - Netherbrick:ingo897
         - Grass block:MoulaTime
         - Snowy grass:Creeper999
         - Podzol:PhasePvP
         - Dirt:ChazOfftopic
         - Sand:rugofluk
         - Sandstone:Praxis8
         - Red sand:OmniSulfur
         - Lava:Spe
         - Water:emack0714
         - Ice block:icytouch
         - Sponge:pomi44
         - Clay block:jkoberna
         - Brick1:BrickInTheHead
         - Brick2:ThaBrick
         - Iron block:metalhedd
         - Gold block:teachdaire
         - Redstone ore:annayirb
         - Diamond ore:akaBruce
         - Emerald ore:Tereneckla
         - Stone:Robbydeezle
      Icon: 'Cakers'
         - Stone brick:Cakers
         - Obsidian:loiwiol
         - Bedrock:dylansams
         - cobblestone:Cobble
         - Oak log:MHF_OakLog
         - Spruce log:Benlisted
         - Dark oak log:bendablob2
         - Jungle log:Thypthon
         - Leaves1:rsfx
         - Leaves2:bmpeti
         - Dark leaves:half_bit
         - Birch Leaves:kc33
         - Wooden planks:guung
         - Bookshelf:BowAimbot
         - Ore:eto
      Icon: 'MHF_Slime'
         - Slime:MHF_Slime
         - Magma cube:MHF_LavaSlime
         - Orange slime:md_5
         - Red/Yellow slime:Shilo56
         - Yellow slime1:scottdang
         - Yellow slime2:Wyvern234
         - Yellow slime3:drybowser151
         - Yellow slime4:nelsyto
         - Light cyan slime:mixa4
         - Cyan slime1:redsnow9
         - Cyan slime2:zilon1
         - Blue slime:Deathbeam
         - Dark blue slime:troopmaster
         - Blue/Gray slime:ijevin
         - Purple slime1:Baecke15
         - Purple slime2:wydoo
         - Purple slime3:gunju11
         - Pink slime:Pink__Slime
         - White/Blue slime:Jorichi
         - Gray slime:JulianClark
         - Slime with sunglasses:invalidd
         - Blue science slime:maximka1221
         - Gold slime:Domcame
      Icon: 'LordStrike72'
         - Redstone block1:LordStrike72
         - Redstone block2:C_Cman
         - Piston:JL2579
         - Sticky piston:Panda4994"
         - Piston base:FlyZiii
         - Redstone lamp1:AutoSoup
         - Redstone lamp2:Jellyfish
         - Dispenser1:scemm
         - Dispenser2:DispenserLP
         - Dispenser3:xXSiiKSiiNSXx
         - TNT1:MHF_TNT
         - TNT2:MHF_TNT2
         - TNT3:Eternal
         - Command block1:LoveBug53
         - Command block2:monkey354